Im oberbayerischen Mittenwald soll ein Schatz aus dem Dritten Reich versteckt sein. Die genaue Lage steht angeblich steganografisch kodiert auf einem Notenblatt. Das berichtet SPIEGEL Online.

Der Niederländer Leon Giesen ist sich sicher: Als sich gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs die Alliierten Mittenwald näherten, versteckten einige Nazi-Schergen wertvolle Gegenstände (z. B. Gold oder Diamanten), um sie nicht in die Hände des Feinds gelangen zu lassen. Kein Geringerer als Adolf Hitlers Privatsekretär Martin Bormann soll die genaue Position des Verstecks festgehalten haben – mit Hilfe von Wörtern, Zahlen und Runen, die er auf ein Notenblatt (“Marsch Impromptu”) schrieb. Ein Militärpfarrer sollte dieses Stück Papier nach München zu einem Parteifreund bringen. Heute befindet sich das Notenblatt (es besteht aus nur einer Seite) in Besitz des niederländischen Journalisten Karl Hammer. Weitere Details zu dieser Geschichte gibt es in einem gestern erschienenen Artikel bei SPIEGEL Online.


Das Dumme an der Sache: Bisher hat noch niemand den Geheimcode geknackt, den Bormann seinerzeit verwendet haben soll. Wer also meint, er könne das schaffen, sollte sich an die Arbeit machen. Ich bin sicher, es gibt Finderlohn, wenn der Schatz am Ende tatsächlich ausfindig gemacht wird. Details zum Notenblatt gibt es auf der Web-Seite von Karl Hammer – leider nur auf Niederländisch. Hier sind die drei wichtigsten Grafiken im Überblick:

Ob an der Geschichte etwas dran ist, ist allerdings eine andere Frage. Verschlüsselte Nachrichten, die die Lage eines Schatzes verraten sollen, gibt es mehrere: Die Beale-Kryptogramme, das Kryptogramm von La Buse, das Kryptogramm von Rennes-le-Château, das Kryptogramm von Oak Island, das Jabron-Kryptogramm. Allerdings hat mit diesen Kryptogrammen bisher niemand auch nur die Spur eines Schatzes gefunden. Es würde mich wundern, wenn es dieses Mal anders wäre. Ich lasse mich aber gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen.

Kommentare (26)

  1. #1 rolak
    21. September 2013

    • Das Notenblatt mit Markierungen der hinzugefügten Wörter, Zahlen und Runen
    • Die hinzugefügten Wörter, Zahlen und Runen ohne Noten

    ..zeigen beide zum selben Bild (mußt aber nicht suchen: Die zweite url). Darüberhinaus sind beim ersten nur die kodierend(?) umdesignten Pausenzeichen eingekringelt, so daß nur der zweite link, hinter dem der diff zum Original sich auftut, seinen Namen zurecht trägt – wobei allerdings imho noch zu klären wäre ob es sich tatsächlich um Runen handelt. Meine Nachdenk-Scribbles sehen manchmal auch so aus 😉

    Die Zahlenkombi am Ende ist übrigens die TelNr meiner Erbtante.
    Ok, war’n Scherz…

    • #2 Klaus Schmeh
      21. September 2013

      Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe den Link korrigiert.

  2. #3 Rich SantaColoma
    21. September 2013

    There is of course a precedent in musical ciphers (maybe others?), in Elgar’s “Enigma Variations”: Of course this Nazi example is different, in that the notation is added, and not part of the original work.

  3. #4 rolak
    21. September 2013

    Zu spät eingefallen – vor einiger Zeit hat eine besondere Form der musikalischen Kodierung hierzulande ziemliche Wellen geschlagen: Kandidaten, höret die Signale.!

    • #5 Klaus Schmeh
      21. September 2013

      Interessant. Das ist ein sehr schöners Beispiel für Steganografie.

  4. #6 Nick Pelling
    21. September 2013

    Diese musikalische Kryptogramm ist auch gut 😉

    • #7 rolak
      21. September 2013

      Völlig realitätsfremd. Viel zu wenig Pausen.

  5. #8 Randifan
    22. September 2013

    Diese Meldung wäre erwähenswert, wenn diese Spur wirklich zu einen Schatz führen würde, aber Schatzsuche in der Realtität ist viel zu kompliziert. Aber bei solchen Meldungen denken die Menschen gleich an Indiana Jones, aber dieser Schatzjäger steht in den Filmen am Ende mit leeren Händen da

  6. #9 Agathon
    24. September 2013

    Da sind viele Deutungen möglich. Ob je was gefunden wird ist fraglich. Aber mir fällt bei Predigtstuhl (Kreuz und Kranz) nur Bad Reichenhall (da steht der Berg Predigtstuhl) ein und im Nordosten bei Salzburg der Leopoldskroner Weiher(Nordost die Krone)…. Die Nähe zu Berchtesgaden macht das für mich zumindest nicht weniger schlüssig als die Ausführungen zum Thema Mittenwald. Und Gleise gibt es in Freilassing und Salzburg auch genügend….

  7. #10 stefan
    6. November 2013

    Ich habe es villiecht gelöst. 🙂 Wenn ich es finde würde. Was findet man dort? Gold oder Bombe?

  8. #11 Novital
    27. Dezember 2013
  9. #12 AnonymousCouscous
    2. März 2015

    Leider sind die drei verlinkten Notenblätter nicht mehr online!
    Bitte reuploaden wenn möglich! 😉


  10. #13 AnonymousCouscous
    2. März 2015

    Dazu würde mich auch noch interessieren, in welchem “Format” früher Koordinaten angegeben wurden.

  11. #14 Braunschweiger
    26. Juli 2015

    Was ist mit der Geschichte passiert? Es gab Berichte, dass in Mittenwald gesucht wurde — aber wurde auch was gefunden?

    Karl Hammer hat ein Buch zum Thema veröffentlicht. Die Angaben unter “codebrekers” wurden gelöscht, die Links oben führen ins Leere, und auf Karl Hammers privater Seite ist nicht viel zu finden.

    Hier bei Wikipedia gibt es noch eine Abbildung des Notenblattes, gut lesbar und markiert.

  12. #15 Thomas Ernst
    21. Juni 2017

    Ich halte “Matthias den Saitenstreichler” für Mache (wie übrigens auch die Dorabella-Chiffre, aber das ist eine andere Sache) wegen der undeutschen, eher amerikanischen Fehlerhaftigkeit der Großschreibung: “Die”, “Über”, “Kalt”. Und was soll “Edelweiß Über Schwarzwald” bedeuten? Fehlt da vielleicht eine Dativendung? Oder Segelt Da Ein Edelweiß So Über Den Schwarzwälder Abendhimmel Hinweg? Ist es gar expressionistisch? – Das einzige, was “deutsch” aussieht, ist das abgekürzte “u.” Dann ist da der seltsame Plural “Enden”: er kann entweder als Summe der vorher genannten Örtlichkeiten verstanden werden, oder als ein grammatikalischer Fehler. Ersteres scheint redundant: man tippt doch nicht noch “Mensch, Junge, da is’ der Schatz!” unten auf die Seite, wenn der Leser sowie weiß, worum’s geht. Die Beziehung zwischen Secondo und Primo (S. 41, mir auch nicht auffindbar) könnte vielleicht was hergeben; halte ich jedoch für unwahrscheinlich. Aufgrund der Deutschfehler, der Örtlichkeiten und der Lexik (“Edelweiß”, “Schwarzwald” – “The Sound of Music”!) halte ich diese “Chiffre” für ein amerikanisches Nachkriegsfabrikat; über die vernudelten Pausenzeichen schwiege ich lieber (das ist ein Konjunktiv II). Deutschfehler dieser Art korrigiere ich seit 30 Jahren …

  13. #16 Novital
    21. Juni 2017

    Dear Thomas,

    The decoding of the “Marsch-Impromptu” was done by a research group calling themselves “Ysa Pastora”. Its findings were published in a series of three books (in Dutch) with the titles: ‘De Hamer van Thor’ (2015), ‘Het Mysterie van Mittenwald”(2015) and “Hitlers erfgoed” (2016).

    The Marsch-Impromptu turns out to be a highly complex, coded document that symbolically mentions the birth, life, death/funeral and the resurrection of Adolf Hitler, ‘the Messiah’. The Marsch was likely construed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth in 1989 by an obscure pro-nazi esoteric society (the Armanen-Orden) that behind-the-scenes follows Guido von List’s Ariosophical teachings, termed Armanism (the religion of the Nazis). It is indeed a highly (politico-)religious statement.

    The Marsch-Impromptu is not about and also does NOT reveal the physical hiding place of Hitler’s personal diamonds, but rather extols Armanism and Hitler’s legacy that ‘shine like diamonds’, and calls for perseverance in the struggle to establish a utopian Fourth Reich.

    Key to understanding the document are among others the meanings of each of the ‘magic’ runes and of the three vertical runic words, of the cipher combination at the end, the meaning of the musical staves (that represent a five-string violin, the ‘instrument of life’ according to von List that sings the song of life, with the fifth high ‘H’ string denoting Hitler), and the repeated hidden use of sacral geometry in the guise of the golden section.

    The document describes a hop-scotch (dancing) trip across Germany and Austria, ‘mentioning’ the important places that played a role in Hitlers life, with a stopover in Mittenwald. Upon Mittenwald the Marsch superimposes a sacred triangle, a so-called Tetraktis, that links three important places for the Armanenschaft, one of which is an existing single tree in a forest on a mountain, that represents and resembles an ‘Irminsul’. It serves as a cenotaph for Hitler, from which his vividly described ‘Wotanic resurrection’ takes place.

    The very difficult task of solving the Marsch riddle and finding the hidden messages is likened to an arduous life-long search for ‘the truth’ that each ‘righteous’ follower of Armanism (=Nazism) has to go through.

    [Ysa Pastora was told several times that its interpretational vistas could not imaginably stem from that annotated single sheet of music. After reading the books though they recognized the density of the information on the sheet, where literally everything has a hidden logical meaning, and admitted to have changed their minds. As one said: “Dan Brown’s concoctions look decidedly pale in comparison”. Some, nevertheless, stubbornly refuse to be enlightened and continue their headlong search for physical diamonds.]

    The original revealer of the Marsch-Impromptu most likely was aware of the true meaning of the document, being an Armanist himself?, but decided to spin a web of lies (in books, photo montages and videos) and use it for covert propaganda purposes. At first he succeeded with a wave of media coverage but ultimately fled the scene after Ysa Pastora’s revelations.

  14. #17 Thomas Ernst
    22. Juni 2017

    Dear Novital: thank you very much for your detailed reply; I am not trying to be high-handed. Three books in Dutch are impressive. I wish I could do just one book in German before I see the asparagus grow in white. – Two things in your reply spark my disagreement. First, wording: “The Marsch-Impromptu turns out to be a highly complex, coded document that symbolically mentions the birth, life, death/funeral and the resurrection of Adolf Hitler […].” When I am water-boarded by a deluge of descriptive words like “highly”, “complex”, “coded”, “symbolically” in just one sentence, I first sense suffocation, then fraud. Not by you. By the Dutch Nostradami. Or the German AfD. – Secondly, content: “The Marsch was likely construed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth in 1989 […].” With “construed” I assume you mean “composed” in 1989. Well, no, the printed paper serving as the basis for the addition of the “runes” and the typescript was Collection Litolff No. 1189, Josef Löw: “Praktischer Lehrgang des vierhändigen Clavierspiels. Beliebte Melodien […]”, vol. 1, No. 34, pp. 40-41. The silly wikimedia debate about the author of this piece does not mention that Löw was the editor of this compilation, “bearbeitet von”, meaning: Löw might have been the composer, or Federlein sen’s arranger. The anonymity and 4-hand arrangement speak for the latter. – While I couldn’t find the supposed date of publication “1881” of Litolff 1189 (2 vols) with a search warrant, the reference to Louis Köhler’s publication does place it close to past 1880. IMSLP has the original “Marsch-Impromptu” here: – Adolf wasn’t even born when this tune was printed. Had his mother heard it, she might have miscarried. – Both of us agree that what remains does not constitute a cipher to find a treasure. Regarding the “runes” and the typescript, I uphold what I wrote above.

  15. #18 Novital
    22. Juni 2017

    Dear Thomas,

    To clarify the situation, and in reply to your remarks. Please note that the music itself (a simple but jolly march) has absolutely nothing to do with (the life of) Hitler. It was not composed for him, nor is the music about him.

    The additions to the score that matter – the typed text, pencilled runes and other symbols – were not originally there. They deal with Adolf, Armanism, the hop-scotch dance, the search for the Tetraktis and the location of the Irminsul, a well-known and powerful Nazi symbol. When we mention the ‘Marsch-Impromptu’ we always refer to the annotations only. The ink and typewriter used are most likely from the 1945 to 1960 period, so as to make the annotations look as authentic as possible, so to speak as a ‘testament’ from Hitler himself. The erudite document maker deliberately used ‘old’ materials when he added his part to the music sheet in the late 1980’s.

    The three books describe the world of thinking that lies behind the annotations on that unassuming piece of paper. They explain that to be able to decode the gibberish one needs to understand the type of esoteric society involved, how it is organized, what it believes in and strives for. Next you need to understand the world of meaning behind their symbols: the (magic) runes, sacred geometry and numerology.

    Is the document by itself a fraud? No, it is not. As a politico-religious manifesto it is likely genuine. Was the way it was presented to the general public a fraud? Yes, it certainly was, because it is not a cipher to find physical treasure. The revealer used that ploy to garner as much interest as possible for the (hidden) cause, to make propaganda, perhaps to enlarge membership. The revealer knowingly deceived the public.

    The document is a cipher to find spiritual treasure of a most peculiar type. For a non-initiate to appreciate this he/she must enter into a world unknown to most souls (and rightfully so).

  16. #19 Thomas
    22. Juni 2017

    That’s all double Dutch to me!

  17. #20 Novital
    22. Juni 2017

    For starters, you might try to find these three runic words on the document: ‘Baum’ and ‘Stein’, they are vertically placed in the middle, while ‘Kreuz’ is vertically in the right margins of the staves.

    You will no doubt understand that this document can not be explained in a few simple paragraphs.

    You need to look at the document with a very different mindset. Do not be sidetracked by what was written about it in the press.

    The Marsch-Impromptu probably was never meant to be published and to be made available to the public. It may have been for internal use only by the society. But the revealer apparently took liberty (or was given permission) to do just that in 2007, 18 years after the anniversary date in 1989. By the way 18 means 1 = A (Adolf) and 8 = H (Hitler). He is a fervent user of occult Nazi numerology.

  18. #21 Thomas Ernst
    23. Juni 2017

    I need a double scotch to change my mindset

  19. #22 Novital
    23. Juni 2017

    Thomas, maybe you recall how the respected news magazine Stern was duped and lost millions plus its reputation 35 years ago? They believed the story that the Hitler Diaries, forged by Kujau from Stuttgart, were genuine. Ouch!

    Der Spiegel is making a similar mistake (though this time they are not swindled out of money and will perhaps not lose a reputational shirt). Without prior investigation Der Spiegel assumed the story by the revealer of the Marsch-Impromptu was right. It was not.
    We talked to Der Spiegel and informed them of our decipherment. After reading it and, as they said, with the Stern disaster still on their mind, they promptly lost interest and never followed it up.

    To repeat: Is the document itself a fraud? No, it isn’t.
    Is the way it was presented to the public (Hitlers personal diamonds can be tangibly found with the help of the Marsch) a deceptive cock-and-bull story? Yes, it is.
    Did the press swallow the bait? The first couple of years, yes. But then they became apprehensive and some faces turned red with shame after learning from us about the deception and the true nature of the document. They did not show the courage to publicly admit their mistake and retrack earlier messages but swept the subject under the carpet. This applies among others to Der Spiegel but to the Dutch and Flemish press and TV stations in particular. With one notable exception, a Belgian newspaper: De Morgen! Kudos for them.

    Is the Marsch-Impromptu an ingeniously coded document of an odd type by a secret society that should interest readers of Klausis Krypto? Yes, it is.

  20. #23 Novital
    23. Juni 2017

    The annotated Marsch-Impromptu contains a wealth of information and is awash with metaphors. We will give you a few simple examples.

    First, note that at the beginning of the first music staff (upper left corner) there is a Fehu rune. It is the first letter in the Futhark alphabet. The final rune at the end of the bottom staff is a so-called Z ‘bind-rune’, where Z is the last letter in our alphabet. The rune is named Z because it is also the last of the letters of the vertically placed runic word ‘KREUZ’ in the right margins of the staves.
    These two runes represent the first and last letters of the alphabets. They symbolize the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. Or, in other words, also the birth and death of a person. The music staves linking these runes represent the strings of a five-string violin. According to Guido von List, the founder of Armanism, the violin is the occult ‘instrument of life’, which gets buried along with its owner. The three symbols taken together, the two runes with the strings in between, point to the birth, life and death of a person, in casu Adolf, ‘the Messiah, the Saviour of his people’ (the true meaning of the gracious M which refers to Michelangelo’s fresco in the Sixtine chapel depicting ‘the Creation of Adam (i.c. Hitler) as a son of God’).

    Second, seven of the most important geographical places that played a role in Adolf’s life are visited when the cipher combination, an ingenious set of vectors, is decoded. The number ‘seven’ is used deliberately as an occult reference to the esoteric terms ‘religion’ and ‘God’.

    Third, the runic word KREUZ consists of five runes, ideograms really. K has been attested to stand for Kenaz (the weak light where warriors sit), R for Raido (trip, travel), E for Ehwaz (horse), U for Aurochs (warrior) and Z: Man+Thorn (the slain hero). The combined meaning of the ideograms tell us a story when read from bottom to top: Z: “I, the slain hero,” U: “a warrior, was” E: “pulled onto a horse for” R: “a trip to” K: “the light where warriors sit”.
    The Marsch-Impromptu therefore narrates an all-too familiar legend: From the place he (Hitler) metaphorically was buried, that is at the foot of the Irminsul tree in a forest on a mountain top near Mittenwald, the slain Germanic warrior was picked up by a Valkyrie on horseback and was brought to the Walhalla, Wotan’s feasting hall for outstanding warriors. A ‘fine’ example of neo-Nazi mythology.

    Perhaps you now begin to grasp what the document is really about? There is more, much more.

  21. #24 Novital
    23. Juni 2017

    Thomas, and others, if you want to e-read an English translation of the (deceptive) book that Karl Hammer wrote about Hitlers lost gold and diamonds then you can find it on Amazon. It is titled “The Hunt for the Nazi Gold”, with the subtitle “Secrets of the March Impromptu Code Revealed”.

    The Amazon ad ends with this sentence: “Can you crack the code leading to a treasure of untold riches?”. Only if you interpret that to strictly mean “the shining richness of the Nazi religion and ideology and the glorification of Adolf Hitler” after having cracked the code then you are correct.

    Hammer concocted a groundless (romantic) story of “Otto” a priest who smuggled the document out of crumbling Berlin. Be aware that ‘Otto’ means 8, which is of course the code for H = Hitler. And Yes, in a symbolic sense the ‘priest’ is Hitler himself who delivers the document, a Nazi manifesto, his ‘spiritual’ testament, to his heirs.)

  22. #25 Flori
    29. Mai 2018

    Novital, I have laboriously tanslated the complete fonts from rauna into German.The found “irminsul” is not the right one.I found it and I know that it is the meant tree…