On the other hand, blog reader Tareq Syed, who provided me very interesting information about Arno Schmidt, pointed out that the cryptograms are briefly mentioned in the foreword of the book, which was written by publisher Ernst Krawehl. This 10 pages foreword describes the editing process the book underwent in detail. When addressing later changes and additions Schmidt performed, Krawehl writes (p. IX):

„(…) in annähernd hundert Fußnoten und Glossen, wo Meinungen unterstrichen, zurechtgerückt, verworfen, Widersprüche erhoben und entscheidende Ergänzungen beigetragen werden, bis zum Wagnis, delikate Zusammenhänge einer unlösbaren Zahlensprache anzuvertrauen (…)“

“(…) in nearly a hundred footnotes and glosses, where opinions are underlined, adjusted, rejected, contradictions are raised and decisive additions are made, up to the risk of entrusting delicate interrelationships of an indissoluble numerical language (…)”

This means that the “indissoluble numerical language” (i.e., the cryptograms) stem from Arno Schmidt, not from the editor. Provided that Krawehl does not lie, this statement proves that the encryption was an original work of Schmidt’s.

Anyway, the Arno Schmidt cryptograms are a great challenge. If somebody can find out something interesting, please let us know.

Further reading: How Edgar Allan Poe broke about 100 ciphertexts

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