If a reader knows more, let me know.

Further reading: Who can break this enciphered letter written by Albrecht von Wallenstein?

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Kommentare (2)

  1. #1 Dampier
    14. Dezember 2019

    This sentence can be interpreted as a statement supporting the crusades.

    It could also mean his support for the Reconquista, the re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the moorish occupation (which was finally accomplished right in 1492, the same year of Columbus’ famous first voyage). In 1483 Columbus lived in Portugal, which had also been occupied (but already liberated at that times).

    The Moors in Spain were also called Saracenes at that times, and as the crusades to the holy land were already 200 years ago in Columbus’ times, I think the Reconquista is more likely to be meant here.

  2. #2 Ralf Buelow
    14. Dezember 2019

    This gentleman from 1868 offers a simple Christian reading: “sanctus – sanctus alleluliah sanctus – Christ Maria son” (huios – the greek letter as mentioned in Columbus’ last will)”, see https://books.google.de/books?id=RYZUAAAAcAAJ&dq=abbreviation%20%22s%20s%20a%20s%22%20latin&hl=de&pg=RA2-PA222#v=onepage&q=abbreviation%20%22s%20s%20a%20s%22%20latin&f=false