Der Brasilianer Bruno Borges verschwand 2017 spurlos, hinterließ zahlreiche verschlüsselte Texte und tauchte dann plötzlich wieder auf. Was ist aus heutiger Sicht von diesem Fall zu halten?

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has mysteriously vanished from his home, left behind several encrypted books. A publishing company has now published one of them. It has entered the Brazilian bestseller list.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has mysteriously vanished from his home, left behind numerous encrypted notes. Now a Brazilian newspaper reports on new activities in this case.

My recent article about Brazilian student Bruno Borges, who has mysteriously vanished and has left behind encrypted notes, has attracted much attention. Most of Borges’ notes seem to be deciphered. However, there is at least one passage that still waits to be solved.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has been working on an “alien project”, has mysteriously vanished from his home. In his room he left behind numerous encrypted notes. Can a reader break his code?