In 1991, an unknown person sent a number of letters to the presenter of the TV show “America’s Most Wanted”. The anonymous writer claimed to have committed 23 crimes. Some of the letters were encrypted in a similar style as the Zodiac Killer messages.

A few years after the Zodiac murders, an unknown person sent a letter to an address in Albany, NY, claiming that he was the Zodiac Killer and that he intended to start killing again. A few lines of this letter are encrypted. The cleartext is unknown.

20 years after the last message of the infamous Zodiac Killer an unknown person sent a Zodiac-style postcard to a California newspaper. As far as I know, it has never been deciphered.

The fifth episode of HISTORY’s Zodiac Killer documentary revealed an alleged solution of the infamous Z340 cryptogram. Does it make sense?

Four episodes of the Zodiac Killer documentary on HISTORY have aired now. The fourth one ended with Craig Bauer saying that he has broken Z340. Will episode 5 tell us the solution?

The first episode of the new HISTORY TV series about the Zodiac Killer has aired. It announced the biggest break-through in cryptology in the last 50 years.

The TV channel HISTORY is launching a series about the Zodiac Killer. Allegedly, a solution to one of the famous cryptograms created by this serial killer will be presented.

In Florida ist ein verschlüsseltes Schreiben aufgetaucht, das an die Bekennerbriefe des berüchtigten Zodiac-Killers erinnert. Kann jemand die Verschlüsselung knacken?

Nach dem Voynich-Manuskript sind die verschlüsselten Bekennerschreiben des Zodiac-Killers das zweitbeliebteste Krypto-Rätsel auf meinem Blog. Nachdem ich schon lange nicht mehr auf dieses Thema eingegangen bin, gibt es heute ein Zodiac-Killer-FAQ.

Letzte Woche hielt ich einen Vortrag beim NSA Cryptologic History Symposium. Dabei wagte ich ein Experiment: Ich stellte kryptologisch interessante Kriminalfälle mit Hilfe von Lego-Steinen dar.