Suchergebnisse für „rohonc“

According to a recent BBC article, a British student has broken a “religious code” from the 18th century. What is behind it?

US outsider artist James Hampton (1909-1964) created only one notable piece of art. In addition, he left behind over 100 pages of encrypted notes that are unsolved to date.

Ernest Rinzi was a 19th century jeweler, goldsmith and miniaturist. He left behind an encrypted journal that is still unsolved. My first impression is that this journal is the most notable unsolved encrypted book after the Voynich Manuscript and the Rohonc Codex.

Again, a new research work about the Voynich manuscript has been published. The author believes that the famous book was created by an Italian jew. Does this hypothesis make sense? Is the author trustworthy?

Today, I’m starting a new series on Klausis Krypto Kolumne. I’m going to present the 50 most important unsolved cryptograms. Number 50 is the Cylob cryptogram, a truly mysterious book.

The Top 50 unsolved encrypted messages The following list is a compilation of the 50 most important unsolved cryptograms.   50. Cylob cryptogram Number 50 is the Cylob cryptogram, a truly mysterious book.   49. The Chinese goldbar cryptogram Seven Chinese goldbars  from the 1930s bear encrypted inscriptions that have never been deciphered. The provenance…

An Italian website reports on an encrypted notebook written by a 16th century nun. The encryption is unsolved. Can a reader help to shed some more light on this crypto mystery?

My list of encrypted books keeps growing. The latest entry (book number 80) is one of the most peculiar.

Die verschlüsselten Altarinschriften von Moustier in Belgien sind ein ungelöstes Rätsel. Heute kann ich das weltweit erste Video dazu präsentieren.

Verschlüsseln Frauen anders als Männer? Diese Frage ist meines Wissens bisher noch nie genauer untersucht worden. Dabei könnte das eine oder andere ungelöste Verschlüsselungsrätsel von einer Frau stammen.