Die Geschichte hat sich ja schon einigermaßen herumgesprochen: Der preisgekrönte britische Wissenschaftsjournalist und “Trick or Treatment?” Co-Autor von Prof. Edzard Ernst, Simon Singh, wurde von der British Chiropractic Association (BCA) wegen Verleumdung geklagt, nachdem er in einem Zeitungsartikel wahrheitsgemäß berichtet hatte, die BCA promote “bogus treatments“. Die Details können Sie bei Jörg Rings oder der GWUP nachlesen.
Hier stelle ich eine e-mail von Simon Singh rein, die derzeit im Netz ihrer Runden dreht und die auch einen link zu einem Aufruf der Organisation Sense About Science mit dem Titel “Keep libel laws out of science” enthält. Die Liste der bisher über 4000 Unterzeichner enthält die Namen von britischen und internationalen Top-Wissenschaftlern und natürlich den Spitzen der weltweiten Skeptikerbewegung, von James Randi, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer und Martin Gardner bis zu Amardeo Sarma. Unterschreiben Sie bitte auch!
[Nachtrag vom 10. Juni: Die ZEIT berichtet nun auch darüber. (Die lesen hier sicher heimlich mit!)]
1. Court of Appeal and Campaign Launch I am glad to say that on Monday I will apply to the Court of Appeal in an attempt to overturn the recent negative ruling on meaning in my libel case with the British Chiropractic Association.
Also, Sense About Science have launched a campaign linked to my libelcase and focussing on the need to overhaul the English libel system, which is deeply flawed and which therefore has a chilling effect on journalism. The campaign has issued a statement of support, which has already been signed by an incredible list of people, including James Randi, Richard Dawkins, Ricky Gervais, Sir Martin Rees, Penn & Teller, Stephen Fry, Martin Amis and Steve Jones. It would be terrific if you would also sign up to the statement and (better still) encourage others to sign up. It is conceivable that this campaign could help reform the English libel laws (which unfortunately affect overseas journalists too). Please help us move closer to having a free press. You can find the statement and sign up at: https://www.senseaboutscience.org.uk/libelcampaign 2. Fighting Fund I have had many kind and generous offers of financial help, but at the moment I am able to fund my own legal costs. However, if you would like to help, then please make a donation to Sense About Science, who will need funding to maintain what could be a long battle to reform the libel laws. You can find out how to donate at: https://www.senseaboutscience.org.uk/index.php/site/project/336 3. Cheltenham and Oxford I will be speaking at the Cheltenham Science Festival on Saturday 6 June and at Oxford Skeptics in the Pub on Monday. More information at: https://www.simonsingh.net/Simon_Lectures.php And finally, a massive thanks to everyone who has been so supportive over the last month. You have genuinely played a crucial role in my decision to go to the Court of Appeal. Cheerio, Simon. Ps. You can find plenty of press coverage about the libel case at the Sense About Science website, but some highlights include: https://www.channel4.com/news/articles/uk/ouch+dr+singh+hits+back/3194057 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc77Y-XBlj0 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1190863/Stars-writer-sues-chiropractors-saying-unproven-treatment-bogus.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/silenced-the-writer-who-dared-to-say-chiropractice-is-bogus-1696408.html https://jackofkent.blogspot.com/ PPs. If you need to email me, then please do not reply to this address, as your email will not reach me. Please go via the website https://www.simonsingh.net and click the contact button. It takes me ages to answer emails, as I am struggling to keep up with my correspondence, so please be patient.
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