Was hat Sie in der vergangenen Woche am meisten beeindruckt? Wie war der Austausch mit den Nobelpreisträgern? Konnten Sie neue wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen, gemeinsame Projekte andenken? Wie nachhaltig waren die Diskussionen für Sie?

What impressed you most at the meeting last week? How was the exchange with the Nobel Laureates? Could you build up new valuable contacts? Did you even think of joint projects? Are there any discussions especially in your mind?

Wir laden ein zur Diskussion und hoffen auf Ihre Stimmen und Ihre Meinungen.

We invite you to discuss with us and hope for your votes and your comments.

Kommentare (14)

  1. #1 Daria
    Juli 5, 2008

    das war eine sehr intensive und hervorragende woche! es hat mich besonders beeindruckt, dass die nobelpreistraeger sich einfach unter uns junge wissenschaftler gemischt haben. sie tranken mit uns kaffee in den pausen und diskutierten, sie liessen sich von der grossen anzahlt interessierter menschen nicht verschrecken und stellten sich 😉
    die ganzen eindruecke muessen erst verarbeitet werden. ich hoffe, dass sich danach auch mehr studenten zum bloggen ueberreden lassen.

  2. #2 Lars
    Juli 9, 2008

    Warum kann man die Lectures der Nobelpreisträger nicht mehr ansehen, vor ein paar Tagen hat das noch funktioniert?! Bitte stellt sie doch wieder online.

    LG Lars

  3. #3 Beatrice Lugger
    Juli 10, 2008

    @LARS. Du findest sie auf der offiziellen Seite des Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertreffens.

  4. #4 Lars
    Juli 10, 2008

    @Beatrice: Das habe ich schon gewusst, aber wenn ich versuche ein Video anzuschauen steht bei mir steht immer folgendes:

    This content can only be viewed in certain territories.
    As we cannot confirm that you are within these territories, we regret, that you will be unable to view the content.

    So, und nun…? Wovon hängt es ab, ob ich die Videos sehen darf oder nicht?

  5. #5 Dr. Hoda Abou-Shady
    Juli 12, 2008

    I really enjoyed the meeting, the lectures were extremly interresting, the hospitality was amazing as well as the postconference activity.
    That was really successful, keep the good work, salam

  6. #6 Beatrice Lugger
    Juli 13, 2008

    @Lars: Das scheint mir komisch und liegt ausserhalb unserer Macht. Die Videos sind von der European Broadcast Union erstellt, die ihre Dinge im Sendebereich der Eurovision auch per Satellit verschicken. Aber im Netz sollte das doch völlig egal sein?!! Nunja. Ich kann da leider nichts machen. Tut mir leid. Dafür kannst Du unsere ScienceBlogs Video-Interviews alle ansehen.

  7. #7 Christian Rapp
    Juli 14, 2008

    Wir – also die Leute der Nobelpreisträgertagunge selbst – arbeiten daran, die Videos wieder 24h weltweit verfügbar zu machen. Ich hoffe, dass wir heute im Laufe des Tages wieder mit den Lectures online sind. Sorry for the inconvenience!

  8. #8 Lars Matthes
    Juli 14, 2008

    Die Videos funktionieren wieder, vielen Dank.

  9. #9 Cristiano Krug
    Juli 15, 2008

    Excellent meeting! I really enjoyed the discussions with young scientists that followed the lectures given by the laureates. Hospitality, wonderful views, and great minds — Lindau has it all!

  10. #10 Rasheen Connell
    Juli 15, 2008

    This wonderful experience has flourished my passion in research and has motivated me to publish more. The Nobel Laureates have shown me that discipline, dedication, and determination are three principles needed to develop good research. Because of this experience, I strongly desire to become an outstanding physicist in my field.

    Overall, the trip was fantastic and once in a lifetime opportunity. The interaction among the young researchers and Nobel Laureates has positively helped me to further develop as a scientist and researcher. This experience has given me a chance to network with prominent scientists that exist globally.

  11. #11 Matthew Vannette
    Juli 17, 2008

    I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with other ‘young researchers’ and hear what is going on in other institutions around the world. I came away with several ideas for projects in the future, and I know who to contact to begin each one. While it was very nice to interact with the Laureates, I believe there is a much larger probability that I will meet one of them in the future as opposed to the other students/postdocs. For me, the once in a lifetime experience was meeting the non-Nobel winners there.

  12. #12 Mr. Abdullah Yar
    Juli 18, 2008

    I participated in the 58th Meeting of Nobel Laureates held in Lindau (Germany) from 29th June to 4th July, 2008. My experience of the Nobel Laureates Meeting in Lindau (Germany) was very brilliant, enthusiastic, impressive and full of knowledge. I appreciate the contributions of all the organizations that support such an international, progressive and reputed meeting which provides unique opportunities for the young scientists to share their ideas, improve their knowledge and discuss their scientific problems with the Nobel Laureates from all over the world. . I was really benefited by each moment and event of this Meeting
    For the improvement, I suggest to popularize the importance of such meeting, enhance its network and motivate the young generations to warmly participate in this meeting. It is also better to convince and motivate the financing agencies to support more and more young researchers to participate in such sophisticated meeting.

  13. #13 Malali Sampoorna
    Juli 19, 2008

    It was an honor and unique experience for me to participate in this meeting. This meeting with Nobel Laureates has inspired and motivated me to do high quality research for life long and make a place for myself in the scientific community. It was particularly interesting to meet and exchange scientific ideas, culture etc with so many young researchers from all over the world. Meeting as a whole has given a big boost to work hard and increase my scientific productivity.

  14. #14 Michael Sentef
    Juli 28, 2008

    The Lindau Meeting was definitely a unique opportunity. Not only can one attend it merely once in a lifetime as a young researcher – some more times to come if one wins his or her own Nobel prize – but also is it the friendly, open and warm atmosphere that makes the meeting something special.

    What one should do there? Talk to people! Don’t be shy! The Laureates are happy and maybe as nervous as the students when it comes to talking to each other, as Mrs Lamb (wife of the late Willis Lamb) pointed out to me on the boat trip to the Isle of Mainau. Also use the chance to get to know other young researchers from around the world and keep in touch with them after the meeting.

    What I found a bit embarrassing was how little the German media covered the Lindau Meeting. It is such an outstanding event, but somehow completely ignored by the German public. I didn’t even know it existed until I was asked to apply for it. So there is some more work to do for the press department.

    Nevertheless: Thank you for this great event!

    A review of Tuesday’s Panel Discussion can be found here: