
Jessica Riccò

Kroto again. On Tuesday there was a press talk with Sir Harold Kroto, Bora Zivkovic from PLoS and Jason Wilde from Nature. Since all participants had a lot to say and the time schedule was very tight, the discussion could not immerse into the material properly. Most of you might know that the Open Access…

The second Nobel afternoon on the Isle of Lindau offered the oppurtunity to participants to discuss with Ciechanover, Molina, Noyori, Neher and Rowland. Although this time five laureates (other than three on Monday) were available and the weather rather suggested a trip to the next swimming pool, I met at least 300 fellow young researchers…

Peter Agre muss so ziemlich der netteste Nobelpreisträger sein, der mir je begegnet ist. Bisher stand mir nur ein Argument zur Verfügung, um diese These zu untermauern: Eine sehr nette Plauderei mit anderen Studenten an der Emory Universität letztes Jahr. Mittlerweile habe ich derer zwei. Heute “interviewte” ich den so schlagfertigen wie intelligenten Mann 40…

Für eine Nobelpreistagung war das schon eine eigenartige Exkursion: Mit drei Bussen wurden Presse und VIPs von der Inselhalle in die äußeren Bezirke Lindaus gekarrt, um dort einen Kindergarten zu besichtigen. Stargäste des Tages: Theodor Hänsch, Physiknobelpreisträger des Jahres 2005, und “Som det phra thep phra rat raat cha su daa Chao fa Maha Chakri…

Gestern Nacht wiegte mich die Stimme des Chemie-Nobelpreisträgers 2007, Gerhard Ertl, in den Schlaf. Ich möchte aber gleich anmerken, dass sich Ertl nicht in meinem Hotelzimmer befand. Mein Fernseher lief und dort lief ein Interview mit ihm… auf Deutsch natürlich. Einige Worte konnte ich aus seinem Redefluss identifizieren, zum Beispiel “Elektron”, “Atom”, “positiv” und “negativ”.…

Every year Lindau is the meeting point of highly motivated and talented young researchers. An entire week they pause with their work in the lab. Instead they have discussions with other researchers and Nobel laureates on their agenda until friday. Nevertheless the Lindau comittee seems to fear that the participants, for whom solving problems is…

You’re unlikely to find a larger congregation of Nobel-prize winners than on the island of Lindau in southern Germany. Each year, a couple of dozen laureates from one of the four Nobel disciplines descend on Lindau’s ‘Inselhalle’ conference centre for a week of talks and discussions in the picturesque surrounds of Lake Constance. The 2009…

Exactly one hundred years ago the chemist Wilhelm Ostwald received the Nobel prize for his work on the topic of catalysis. And as we see today his research work have really been pathbreaking: Without catalysts modern chemistry would not be possible. It is only logical, that catalysis also plays a major role in this year’s…

A couple of weeks ago, I went on a bike trip. Starting at the Rhine Falls, Europes biggest waterfall, I rode from Switzerland towards Lake Constance. For lack of a digital camera I did unfortunately not constantly take pictures of the landscape. Nevertheless there are many, many, many users on flickr who did. The lake…