Quality for less I have travelled throughout parts of the USA these weeks. I have travelled along the formation of a leading country in our world. And I have hit the road of globalization with all its disparities.

Southeast of Marfa towards the border of Mexico there is a little ghost town called Shafter. If you leave the highway and follow a dirt road to a tiny plateau you will find an old Mexican cemetery full of ‚wolf graves’. They are very shallow because the ground is so rocky that people can’t dig…

Die beiden älteren Brüder des Stifters des Preises mit dem gleichen Familiennamen (Robert 1829-1896 und Ludvig 1831-1888), machten ein Vermögen während des ersten Ölbooms im heutigen Aserbaidschan.

Driving in the U.S. is a pleasure. There is nothing more comfortable in this country than cars and roads. And there is nothing people do care more about. Driving from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Marfa, Texas, I detected the cruise function in my rental car.

PS: The little town “Truth or Consequences” was formerly known as “Hot Springs” (based on the mineralized hot springs every guest still can enjoy in a hot tub under the nightly sky even without wearing a bathing suit – a quite uncommon opportunity in the U.S.)

I learn to love these business hotels. They are almost all the same, green carpets with traces of former guests, a coffee machine, a big TV set with additional offerings of mature audience content. You won’t be able to guess where you are until leaving the hotel again.

Yesterday was “hiking day”: From the rim of the Grand Canyon down to the Colorado River and back up again.

Pünktlich zum Wahltag in Pennsylvania, reisst Hillary Clinton die Schlagzeilen an sich mit einem Statement zum Iran.

Man liest immer wieder über Spieltheorie. Nobelpreise werden dafür vergeben und viel Tinte wird darüber vergossen. Aber was ist das eigentlich. Ich starte hier den Versuch einer Serie mit dem Ziel, Aspekte der Spieltheorie einfach, kurz und prägnant vorzustellen.

Wie viele nukleare Sprengkörper wurden in der (kurzen) Geschichte ihrer Existenz schon gezündet? Erschreckend viele.