
Immer weniger ist in den Medien zurzeit über Pakistan zu lesen – Am 19. August berichtete ich über die Aktivitäten des Heidelberger Südasien-Instituts und des Historikers Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah nach der Flutkatastrophe in Pakistan auf “Zeittaucher”. Mittlerweile sind über 20000 Euro an Hilfsgeldern eingegangen. In einem kurzen Report berichtet nun Professor Shah über seine Aktivitäten vor Ort und wie die bisherigen Spendengelder eingesetzt wurden. Im Text und am Ende habe ich eine Auswahl von Bildern über die Hilfsaktion eingestellt. CJ

Wer die Aktion unterstützen will, kann immer noch eine Spende auf folgendes Konto überweisen: Vereinigung der Förderer des Südasien-Instituts e.V., Stichwort: Fluthilfe Pakistan, Sparkasse Heidelberg, BLZ 672 500 20, Konto-Nr. 1300695. Für die eingehenden Spenden können steuerlich abzugsfähige Spendenbescheinigungen ausgestellt werden.

(Fotos: Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah)

Report on the Flood Relief Activities of South Asia Institute in Swat

The recent monsoon weather brought heavy rainfall to various parts of Pakistan, particularly to Pashtoonkhwa which resulted in devastating flash floods in most parts of rivers Kabul, Swat and Indus basin. These were the worst floods in the history of the region. Malakand and Peshawar divisions were the worst affected areas and it includes the districts of Swat, Shangla, Malakand, Dir, Kohistan, Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda. The rainfall recorded at different places was as follows (from 27th July — 30th July 2010):

– Peshawar received between 341.0 mm and 410.0 mm rainfall whereas the monthly normal rainfall is 46.1 mm.
– Dir received between 309.0 and 390.0 mm while the monthly normal is 154.1 mm.
– Saidu Sharif (Swat) received between 338.0 mm and 472.0 mm while the monthly normal is 152.6 mm.
– Cherat (Nowshera) received between 372.0 mm and 388.0 mm rainfall. The monthly normal is 93.4 mm.
– Risalpur (Nowshera) received between 415.0 mm and 433.0 mm while the monthly normal is less than 100.0 mm.


The losses from the recent floods are enormous. According to a careful estimate more than 20 million people are affected from the recent floods; about 1600 people confirmed dead; crops destroyed and infrastructure devastated. Cities, towns and many villages came under flood water. In Pashtoonkhwa 60 to 70 % infrastructure destroyed, more than 200 bridges washed away and hundreds of kilometres roads gone. According to UN reports, up to 4 million children are at risk from water-borne disease in flood hit Pakistan.

Germany, like many other countries of the world, decided immediately to help the flood victims. After discussing various options for the flood relief activities, the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, launched the campaign for the donations to help the flood victims of Pakistan. The urgent need was for food, clean drinking water and medicine. I was on my way to Pakistan on a private visit. I decided to get myself fully involved in the relief activities and promised to spend the money on the purchase of essential food items and then to distribute it personally. Initially the response was cool because the donors had doubts in their minds regarding the utilization of the funds. But once it was made clear that Dr. Shah, who himself belong to the flood affected area, would be personally involved in the distribution of relief items then people started donating money.

Meanwhile, on 18 August Dr. Christian Jung from DPA (Deutsch Press Agency) visited SAI and interviewed me regarding the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and the destruction caused by it. This detailed interview was published on 20 August 2010 in all the leading newspapers of Germany. It had a tremendous effect on the collection of funds for the flood affected region. On 20th August, I had a meeting with Dr. Eckart Würzner, the Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg who promised his full fledged support in this particular connection. He generously contributed to the purchase of the food items and also promised that he would be helping the flood victims by adopting some long term measures i.e. help in the reconstruction of houses in the affected region on the pattern of the shelters provided by the SAI to the earthquake affected people in Balakot in 2005.


Apart from individuals, organisations were also approached and requested for donations. Mr. Mohammad Rafique, President Deutsch-Pakistanische Gesellschaft, Karlsruhe, responded in a very positive way. He made appeals through radio and press for the donations to help the flood victims of Pakistan. He also made it clear that there is no need for a separate bank account and requested the members and other peoples from his area to deposit their donations directly into the account of SAI, opened for this particular purpose.

On 26th August, I left for Islamabad taking 5000 Euros along with me. Later on, 15000 Euros were sent by Mr. Hake through the National Bank of Pakistan, Frankfurt Branch. After conversion of the Euros into the local currency, I received a total sum of 21,32,500/- in Pak. Rupees.


As promised, immediately on my arrival to Pakistan, I contacted relevant people. I also went to the flood affected region and visited several villages in the Peshawar Valley. After collecting information through various sources it was revealed that food was now in surplus in the Nowshera and Charsadda districts and the flood affected people in the far flung areas of Pashtoonkhwa were in dire need of it. I selected Malakand Division for this purpose. The following items of food were purchased in Peshawar:

Flour 20 kilos
Sugar 5 kilos
Rice 5 kilos
Daal (lentils) 5 kilos
Ghee (cooking oil) 5 kilos
Tea 1 kilo

It was packed in a proper way in parcels. Each parcel was weighing 41 kilos and was meant for a family of eight persons. A total of 750 (seven hundred and fifty) parcels were arranged for the flood victims of Swat. The Provincial Disaster Management authorities and other relevant officials including the Provincial Information Minister were consulted. Through their good efforts local influential’s were involved in the final arrangements for the distribution of food. They were requested to prepare the lists of the affected families in the area which they did accordingly.


On Sunday 5th September 2010, we started early in the morning for Batkhela (Swat). The following five villages, on the downstream of river Swat from Batkhela were selected for the distribution of food:

Totakan, Matkani, Hissar Kaley, Qalangey and Ziarat Hissar Baba.

At about 11 am the food distribution started and it went till late evening. Some parcels were also distributed among the flood victims of Smaso Sar, another village in Batkhela. An estimated 6000 people benefitted from this package.

After spending Rs. 20,25,000/- on the purchase of food for Swat people, the remaining amount i.e. Rs. 1,07,500/- was handed over to Mr. Mohammad Roshan, Director Swat Participatory Council ( a group of Five NGOs working in Swat) to spend the money on the flood victims according to their need and requirement. Usually they are spending money on the purchase of medicine and other related items.


Apart from myself, the following individuals contributed enormously in organising the relief activities, creating awareness and raising donations for the flood affected people of Pakistan:

– Professor Gita Dharampal-Frick, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg.
– Mr. Manfred Hake, South Asia Institute.
– Dr. Farrukh Beg, Waldrof.
– Mr. Mohammad Rafique, Karlsruhe.
– Dr. Eckart Würzner, Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg.
– Dr. Christian Jung (DPA), Heidelberg.
– Dr. Christina Brussius, Cluster of Excellence, University of Heidelberg.


Professor (Dr) Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah
Allama Iqbal Professor
South Asia Institute University of Heidelberg
