
Which road are the Democrats going to take? After the debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama yesterday evening, six days ahead of the Pennsylvania Primaries, nothing has become less unclear than is has been for the last weeks.

Hillary Clinton is expected to win the Pennsylvania Primaries but not to an extent that might turn a page in the Democrats candidates race. She would need a high double digit win to prove possible what became impossible in terms of mathematics some time ago. Even if she wins by ten percent it’ll be still not be enough. Obama leads by 1644 delegates, Clinton has 1498. So she is trying hard to ensure that it will be the Superdelegates who will finally decide the issue. That might be true, but it might also be piping in the dark.

The most important question is: How long is this still supposed to go on? How long will two candidates of the same party fight each other in a way we usually know from rivals of different parties? Talking to o lot of experts and researchers at Berkley and Stanford it seems that there is only one way for Hillary Clinton: the way out. The Pennsylvania Primaries could be her first exit. If the won’t have to take that one she will probably just take a detour on her way out of the race. The next exit will surely be hers.

Nevertheless that might already be too late. Then the Democrats will have to face the ridiculous situation that 80 percent of the American people are unsatisfied with what’s going on in their country and how the Bush administration has handled that for the last years. They are willing to vote for change but the Democratic Party is not being able to take this unique chance. United they should stand, divided they will fall.