Dean Burnett Burnett, ein britischer Neurowissenschaftler und Blogger hat in seinem Blog Science Digestive einen absolut lesenswerte Eintrag veröffentlicht.
In “Dear Media, from Science” schreibt die Wissenschaft den Medien einen Brief…
Und das wird auch Zeit – denn zwischen den beiden liegt einiges im Argen. Burnett bringt es in seinem Artikel auf den Punkt. Aber lest es am besten selbst!
Zur Einstimmung noch ein paar Zitate:
“Firstly, would it kill you to be a bit more specific when you tell people what I’m up to? The number of news stories I’ve read which end with “…say scientists” just drives me to distraction. And I can’t afford to be distracted, a lot of my work is quite delicate., some of it involves brains!
Do you realise how vague a term ‘Scientists’ is? It’s like ‘cars’, there are hundreds of different types. It might be accurate, but it’s not specific. You’d never say “‘Kill all homosexuals’, say religious people”
“Oh, by the way, this whole ‘balanced argument’ thing you’ve got going on. I see your point, but make your mind up! Either you present 2 sides to every argument or none, why is it just when it’s a controversy involving me! (…)
When a murder is reported, do you get statements from the people who thought that the victim had it coming? Why not? If balanced arguments are so vital, why are some stories exempt? Come on mate, a bit of fairness is all I’m asking for.”
“Anyway, hope you take all this on board. Have you seen Politics lately? I’m afraid I haven’t spoken to him since he cut my Nutt off. Git. And how’s Big Business? Don’t protest, we all know you’ve been sleeping together for years now. It’s embarrassing, watching you make excuses then scampering away behind the Bushes (Presidents and foliage) together, just admit it will you?”
Übrigens – wer mehr – speziell über die britischen – Medien und ihren Umgang mit der Wissenschaft wissen will, der findet in Ben Goldacres Buch “Die Wissenschaftslüge” jede Menge Material.
Nachtrag: Dean Burnett hat gleich einen zweite Brief nachgeschoben. Diesmal schreibt Wissenschaft der Homöopathie einen Brief:
“Dear Homeopathy
Hello. Science here. Thought I’d better introduce myself, seeing as how we’ve never met. I know you like to give people the impression that you work closely with me, and that I’m somewhat envious of you so try to suppress you, but seeing as we both know the truth, I have to ask; Who are you and what do you want?”
So wie der erste Brief ist auch dieser lesenswert und lustig – und ein bisschen böser als der erste:
I know this letter may seem overly confrontational and aggressive, but whenever one of my guys questions one of your guys, that’s how you behave, so I assume it’s some sort of cultural thing that I have to do to be polite? Like farting after a meal; just because it seems distasteful to me, doesn’t mean other people don’t appreciate it. I can respect that.
But please, make up your mind. Either you hate me, or you are a valid member of my group. Have you considered the possibility you have multiple personality disorder, or some sort of schizophrenia? If you do, I have some pills for that. Do you? If so you might want to take them. Although you may have been taking them for months for all the difference it would make.
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