Description of the site and why it has been chosen for stargazing:
The Sankt Andreasberg StarPark is a private stargazing site which is maintained by the Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V. – the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association – an association of professional and amateur astronomers founded in 2007. The association uses the StarPark site for its annual meeting – the STATT (Sankt Andreasberger Teleskop-Treffen) – and hopes to build a professional observatory on the site until the year 2020. The association regularly opens the site to the public for guided stargazing events. The StarPark is located in an uninhabited area close to the Harz National Park and exhibits excellent observation conditions due to low light pollution.
Activities: The two main goals of the Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V. – the organization maintaining the StarPark site – are the construction of a professional observatory in the town of Sankt Andreasberg as well as turning the Harz National Park into an IDA-recognized Dark Sky Park. To achieve these goals and to also help interested members of the public to explore the night sky, the association organizes regular events, such as a monthly regulars’ table, monthly lectures about various aspects of astronomy and physics and regular stargazing nights. The association is also actively engaged in lobbying local politicians and businesses into reducing light pollution and runs a light pollution awareness and measurement program.
Program of events: The Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V. regularly organizes stargazing events and scientific lectures by professional and amateur astronomers (about 10 to 15 per year). The main event organized on the premises of the StarPark is the annual STATT (Sankt Andreasberger Teleskop-Treffen) – a three-day stargazing event held each summer during which interested members of the public can experience the marvels of the night sky through professional instruments and guided by versed amateuer and professional astronomers.
Sky quality measurements:
Bortle rating: 3
SQM Sky Quality measurement: 21.48mag/arcsecond²
Other professional measurement: The Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V. maintains a permanent light pollution measurement station, using a LightMeter™ developed by Günther Wuchterl of the Kuffner Observatory. Anybody interested can view the continuously updated measurement data on this website:
In diesem Sinne: Nutzt bitte alle die Chancen, die euch dieses schöne Projekt bietet, und tragt eure Lieblings-Beobachtungsplätze, eure Sternwarte oder Volkssternwarte oder auch euer Planetarium in die StarPark-Karte ein – oder sucht nach Eintragungen in eurer Nähe und entdeckt vielleicht einen schönen, neuen Spechtelplatz. Bis dato gibt es zwar erst zwei Einträge für Deutschland, aber wie ich von Sternenfreunden aus dem VdS erfahren habe, soll sich das bald ändern – und auch ich werde neben dem „Sankt Andreasberg Star Park” in den nächsten Tagen vielleicht noch den Spechtelplatz zwischen Sorge und Elend registrieren…
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