Why are the admonitions so prosaic? Why is a vision of so illustrious a personage as the Mother of God neccessary so, in a tiny county populated by a few thousands souls, a shrine will be repaired or the populace will refrain from cursing? Why not important and prophetic messages whose significance could be recognized in later years as something that could have been emanated only from God or the saints? Wouldn’t this have greatly enhanced the Catholic cause in its mortal struggle with Protestantism and Enlightenment? But we have no apparitions cautioning the Church against, say, accepting the delusion of an Earth-centered Universe, or warning it of complicity with Nazi Germany – two matters of considerable moral as well as historical import (…) And why is Mary always ordering the poor peasant to inform the authorities? Why doesn’t she admonish the authorities herself? Or the King? Or the Pope?
Gott und Maria scheinen die gleichen Schwierigkeiten mit der Kommunikation zu haben, wie die Außerirdischen, die mit uns durch Kornkreise sprechen 😉 Und die Wünsche und Warnungen von Maria sind genauso “unpraktisch” wie die der Aliens.
Sagan schreibt:
I think I can see many parallels between Marian apparitions and alien abductions – even though the witnesses in the former cases are not promptly taken to Heaven and don’t have their reproductive organs meddled with. The beings reported are diminuitive, most often about two-and-a-half to four feet high. They come from the sky. The content of the communication is, despite its purpoted celestial origin, mundane. There seems to be a clear connection with sleep and dreams.
An den Marienerscheinungen sieht man gut die Motivation, die Menschen dazu bringen kann, sich solche “Visionen” auszudenken. Man wird plötzlich zu einer wichtigen Person. Man erringt Aufmerksamkeit. Man bricht aus dem Alltag aus und erlebt etwas Aufregendes. Gleiches gilt auch für die Entführungsopfer:
You gain the attention of peers, therapists, meybe even the media. There is a sense of discovery, exhilaration, awe. What will you remember next? You begin to believe that you may be the harbinger or even the instrument of momentous events now rolling towards us. And you don’t want to dissapoint your therapist. You crave his or her approval. I think there can very well be psychic rewards in becoming and abductee.
Und über diesen oft ungesunden Zusammenhang zwischen Therapisten und Therapierten spricht Sagan ausführlich im nächsten Kapitel.
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