“It would be nice if the LHC would find supersymmetry.”
Das CERN hat letzte Woche ein Interview mit Edward Witten (9 Minuten) ins Netz gestellt:
“Supersymmetry updates Einsteins relativity theory to include quantum variables in the structure of space and time. What that would mean in practice is that space-time has a new quantum dimension and an electron vibrating in this quantum dimension would give a new particle that could be produced and detected at LHC. This new particle would be electrically charged like the electron but unlike the electron it would not have mechanical properties.”
Auf den Seiten des CERN findet man übrigens noch andere Videos zu interessanten Themen:
– zur Geschichte des CERN 1952-84 und 1983-89
– A Glimpse behind the scene of building the ATLAS detector
– und sogar auf deutsch: Die unterirdischen Sterne
und vieles mehr.
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