” … Nachdem Barack Obama 2017 das Thema auf seine Agenda setzte, … ”
Erst 2017?
Trump ist doch schon 2016 gewählt worden (Gott sei`s geklagt …)
Was ist mittlerweile aus der Agenda geworden?
Für mathematisch Unbegabte wie mich hier zusätzlich noch der entsprechende Wikipedia-Artikel – vor allem auch zur Veranschaulichung die Punkte-Beispiele.
Thilo, was macht dein Algorithmus mit amerikanischen Nicht-Wählern, die vor knapp 4 Jahren aktiv wurden, weil die Nicht-Republikaner-Partei des Zwei-Parteiensystems von Amerika Hillary Clinton nicht regelkonform zur Präsidentschaftskandidatin kürte?
Donald Trump lag vor der Wahl in den Umfragen bei 40%, Hillary Clinton bei 51%.
Die Clintons und ihre Partei würden keiner Wahlkreisregelung zustimmen, in denen es zu viele (potenziell aktive) Nicht-Wähler gibt, die Wahlmänner der Demokraten noch einmal neutralisieren könnten.
By the way, im Gegensatz zu Oliver Müller, der offensichtlich etwas gegen meine Spintronic-Idee hatte, oder Florian Freistetter, der etwas gegen die nichtlineare Bombardierung eines heißen Protonen-Plasmas mit Gamma-Quanten hatte, hast du noch nie die Löschkeule eingesetzt.
Wer hat sich die elegante Form von MD3 in der Abbildung oben ausgedacht? Die Washington Post schreibt dazu:
There’s less information about Democratic gerrymandering simply because Democrats were in control of fewer statehouses after 2010 and, hence, had less ability to redraw districts to their liking. But Maryland stands out as a prime example of Democratic gerrymandering. In 2016, Republicans won 37 percent of the statewide House popular vote, which translated into just one of the state’s eight House seats.
Wetware App
Sie kann nicht PhyPho heißen.
Sie kann BanaPho heißen und wird auto redestricting nicht automatisch durchrechnen.
SchülerIn der Bildungsoffensive muss mit 2 touchenden Fingern eine erste Gerade finden, die ein Land in zwei Wahlkreise zerlegt, die beide von derselben Partei gewonnen werden.
Die beiden Wahlkreise zerlegt SchülerIn wieder auf dieselbe Weise und bekommt dann vier, im nächsten Schritt acht, usw., Wahlkreise, die alle von derselben Partei gewonnen werden und die alle gleich groß sind.
2D Collision Detection
SchülerIn kann sich mit 10-Euro-Flatrate in der Unendlichkeit der Suchergebnisse verlieren!
Wenn SchülerIn jedoch weiß, dass eine (schiefe) Gerade in einer Matrix dargestellt werden kann, ist die Lösung die Multiplikation einer Land-Matrix mit einer Zerschneidungs-Matrix, die entsprechend der beiden Touch-Punkte einen Zerschneidungs-Matrix-Bereich mit der Zahl 0 und den restlichen Bereich mit der Zahl 1 füllt.
Lineare Algebra
Thilo hat bewiesen, dass nur schöne Beweise über Matrizen und ihre Verknüpfungen an deutschen Mathematik-Hochschulen gelehrt werden. Anwendung von Matrizen spielt keine Rolle in einem „talmudistischen” deutschen Mathematik-Studium.
Paradoxwitzig ist, dass sich der Verein deutscher Aktuare (Versicherungsstatistikerverein) wegen eines Mathematiker-Mangels beklagt, obwohl nicht abstrakte, angewandte Mathematik z.B. Versicherungsstatistik in „talmudistischen” deutschen Hochschulen nicht gelehrt wird.
Mit anderen Worten, Mathematiker beklagen sich über mangelhafte Mangelware.
An deutschen Universitäten wird durchaus Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik gelehrt, an israelischen übrigens auch. Nur was hat das mit dem Thema dieses Artikels zu tun?
Versicherungsmathematik hat nichts mit diesem Artikel zu tun und ist off-topic.
Ich wollte überprüfen, ob der Kommentar mit der Löschkeule ausgelöscht wird, wenn nur ein Teil off-topic ist.
Bei Quanta Magazine steht im Kommentarfeld “Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected.”
Bei sciencelogs stehen keine Kommentarregeln im Kommentarfeld, so dass empirisch herausgefunden muss, wer bei sciencelogs die in demokratischen Schulen gelehrte Meinungsfreiheit wie interpretiert.
Fazit: Thilo does not reject comments if they are partially off-topic.
Wenn Meinungsfreiheit der Name eines Virus ist, der zum nachdenklosen ungeregelten Kommentieren führt, dann sind unzählige (unsichtbare) Kommentarregeln die Impfmittel.
Überimpfung führte zu einem Symptom der Verhaltenstörung Autismus: Die Infizierten eines mentalen Ideologie-Virus meiden Kommentarkontakt.
Kommentarregel 250.001: Florian Freistetter schaltet keinen Kommentar frei, der etwas spoilt, was er während einer seiner Rundreise-Lesungen im kleinen Kreis vortragen wird.
Even if you believe wholeheartedly in the explanation for your charity, asking for
the money is hard. You need to know what motivates
your reader and provoke an emotional reaction.
If you intend to capture the imagination of one’s audience
it pays to learn to develop into a good short-story teller.
Human beings are wired for connecting with well-told
stories and countless studies show it is a very effective way of communication. This post is filled with tips and examples to
assist you write successful fundraising stories. Discover how to publish fundraising
stories you should use in the next fundraising campaign to convert
casual readers into passionate supporters.
Set the scene
Use the title or introduction of one’s page to
create the scene for your story in one or two powerful sentences.
Provide location, context, key figures and hint at
the trouble, controversy or challenge that may unfold in the remaining story.
Select a featured image to accompany your title that supports
the copy and carries emotion.
Introduce a protagonist
Your story requires a key figure: either someone or a small grouping of
people, with whom the reader can relate and empathise. You’re telling their story, not your own personal so you should
avoid using ‘we’or ‘our’as of this point. Clear the stage for the
protagonist and keep your brand out of the method for now.
Frame the issue
Your cause will without doubt be multifaceted with many
interconnected challenges. However for the sake of the story, focus using one problem faced by the protagonist.
Introduce this early to help keep people’s attention. Keep things simple and so the
reader can understand and connect with the issue quickly.
Find the purpose of tension
Be mindful never to confuse ‘story’with a ‘situation ‘.
It’s simple to relay a timeline of events but this alone is unlikely to help keep readers
attention. Build the middle part of your story to a point
where you reveal the total extent of one’s protagonist’s predicament.
You can show there are ‘X number’of other people in the exact same situation that all need support.
Make the reader the hero
Having reached the center and explored the depth of the process faced you can begin putting things back
together. Ask questions of the reader, help them to find out potential solutions with you as
they read on. Show that they can actually make a difference here.
Make them to have a stance, engage emotionally and feel great about the notion of helping.
State your mission
go directly to (Erlinda)
bring your story to a finale it’s simple to offer your answer
to the predicament and explain the main reason your organisation exists.
State your mission as powerfully and concisely as you are
able to, providing all the mandatory confidence in your brand that
the reader will have to take action. You can mention your organisation but be quick to place the focus back on the reader,
ready to allow them to take action.
Call the reader to action
Ask the reader to respond. Make it relevant, proportional and
quickly achievable. Often this is available in the proper execution of a one-off donation or regular giving but there are lots of
other creative ways to ask visitors to help. Just be sure to keep it simple and clear.
Don’t mind me I’m just getting my daily dose of vitamin D don’t you
ever wonder why you are feeling great after you get a bit of sun exposure it’s such as
a double-edged sword if you get too much it can cause skin cancer but when you
don’t get enough you only don’t feel great believe it or few people are actually fighting a vitamin D deficiency according to numerous studies done among the top
deficiencies we’ve in America is potentially vitamin D there could
be a large amount of reasons because of this but first let’s discuss the
outward symptoms are you tired do you have muscle weakness are you currently always getting sick can you struggle
with emotional ups and downs like depression and anxiety do you have trouble gaining muscle or losing weight
or are you experiencing weak bones or weak teeth actually
vitamin D is vital for absorbing calcium without it we wouldn’t absorb enough from our gut
and then our bones and our teeth suffer there are certainly a large amount of other symptoms but they’re all
major warning signs you could be experiencing a vitamin D deficiency but the
one true way to learn is to visit your doctor and get a blood work panel done and see what
your vitamin D levels are.
Vitamin D is responsible for giving us optimal digestive health immune response bone health and hormone balance it’s
not really a vitamin it’s a prohormone so what are the factors behind a supplement D deficiency
there can be several but number one isn’t getting enough sunlight
so many of us live out our lives inside today especially in the northern hemisphere the farther away
you reside from the equator the less experience of UVB rays you get and this is the form of sunshine
you need to be able to convert to the active type of vitamin D within your body
not getting enough direct sunlight on your skin plays a huge
part wearing clothes that cover the skin working a 9 to 5 job inside and
even in your commute to work you genuinely believe that sitting in an automobile in an hour or so traffic on your way to
work in LA you’d acquire some sun exposure unfortunately most car windows are UV protective so they’re blocking any UVB rays certain chemicals especially in plastic can block the absorption of vitamin D in the body in the
event that you drink from water bottles every day they very well might have a
chemical called BPA inside them once you drink out of plastic containers the BPA leeches
from the plastic and blocks absorption of vitamin D
within your body also if you’re subjected to toxins on a regular basis such
as smog carbon emissions and the smog absorbed the UVB rays
and therefore those less UVB rays readily available for the
skin to absorb without those UVB rays the human body
really struggles converting vitamin D to its active form studies show that as
we age there’s less of the precursor present in the
So therefore there’s less that may be changed into the active type of vitamin D therefore
we’ve to ingest more to feel happier and healthier unfortunately we’re
all growing older and it’s something we can’t ignore so this is definitely something important that you should focus
on so if you wish to start correcting a vitamin D deficiency and see
improvements in your health the number one way is to begin getting more sunshine you will find so many problems we face in life and
so most of them have complicated answers this isn’t an extremely complicated answer you should just go
outside and get more sunshine it’s recommended to try to get twenty minutes of sunshine a day some studies
showed that just five to half an hour of sun exposure on uncovered skin can assist in your vitamin D levels this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear sunscreen you actually should and while sunscreen does block UVB rays it’s unlikely you’ll use it everywhere so you’ll still acquire some exposure and because we don’t wear it very consistently
it wears off and we do get some good sunlight during the day you can even get vitamin D through foods.
Unfortunately hardly any foods have a naturally high significant amount of vitamin D many foods
in the US are fortified with vitamin D and the fortification is among the only reasons some
Americans even get any vitamin D but when you want to try to
boost your consumption of these foods your best bet is through wild-caught
fish such as salmon mackerel or tuna you may also get some good
in some dairy food such as milk cheese and yogurt and egg yolks and mushrooms the past way is to take
a high quality vitamin D supplement that
you don’t necessarily want vitamin d2 however, you do
deaf only want vitamin d3 there’s a lot of forms of it available on the market and quite
a few good quality brands for some adults 400 to 800 IU
is recommended daily however if you’ve already attended the physician and confirmed a deficiency you very well
likely might be taking 1000 to 4000 IU daily another thing to remember is if you are supplementing with
vitamin D that you should definitely bring it with a questionnaire of fat because vitamin D is really a fat-soluble
vitamin this way whenever you take the fat with
it it’s better absorbed by your body.
So I would recommend taking it with something like avocado oil peanut butter almond
butter something that tastes good and is fatty ultimately if you’re really not sure your vitamin D
levels are and you wish to know if you actually have a
vitamin D deficiency the sole way to understand is always to go visit your doctor they’ll run a supplement D
panel and in this manner you and your physician can work on an idea of action to
really get your vitamin D levels back up
in this manner you’ll feel better happier and
healthier remember vitamin D is not only a vitamin it’s a prohormone it’s an essential nutrient essential to the health
and you shouldn’t ignore it especially as we’re growing old hopefully this
video was helpful and you learned something new and
that it inspired and used some motivation to have a
closer look at your quality of life and how you’re feeling be sure you subscribe so that you don’t
miss my weekly tips on living a healthier life and
my fun adventures living a healthier life doesn’t need to be
boring I’m gonna go have a chili dip now maybe my next video is likely to be on medical advantages of cold water plunges catch
you later.
Feel free to surf to my page – best rated vitamin d
supplements in the UK (Terri)
Could Vitamin D raise your fertility by 87%? A new Danish
study says yes! stay tuned to learn more. There’s been plenty of interest
lately about Vitamin D and fertility. Allow me to give you a little background about vitamin D.
Vitamin D is definitely an oil-soluble vitamin that has several important functions in the body.
It helps to absorb dietary calcium and phosphorus
from the intestines. Vitamin D keeps the calcium and phosphate levels in the blood normal, thereby promoting bone health.
There are two main ways in which you get vitamin D in your body.
Most of the vitamin D in humans is made in your skin when exposed to sunlight.
The amount of sunlight had a need to synthesize adequate levels of vitamin D varies with respect
to the person’s age, skin colour, sun exposure and underlying medical
problems. The production of vitamin D from your skin decreases
with age. Additionally, people who have darker skin need more
sun exposure to make adequate amounts of vitamin D, especially during the wintertime months.
Another important supply of vitamin D are foods like sardines, salmon, eggs and liver.
However, in humans, significantly less than 20% of vitamin D is obtained from
the diet. In the United States, commercially fortified cow’s milk is the biggest supply of dietary vitamin D.
The big risk is inadequate contact with the sun. This really is especially a problem in winter months, once you don’t
go outside the maximum amount of and once you do you’re generally covered up.
How will you tell if your vitamin D level is low?
It’s pretty easy actually. A blood test from your own doctor will tell
you what your present vitamin D level is. Do people with vitamin D deficiency have significantly more difficulties with infertility?
Some studies have discovered that vitamin D deficiency
is more common infertility problems like polycystic ovary syndrome and uterine
fibroids. Other studies have found that supplementing women with vitamin D improved the
success of treatments including Clomid to IVF. One of many limitations
of the studies is which they involved relatively small variety of women. Alright.
With that as the background let’s discuss this Danish vitamin D study.
It turns out that until 1985, adding vitamin D to
margarine was required in the whole country of Denmark. Then, the
requirement abruptly stopped.
Denmark also keeps registries of how many people are increasingly
being treated for fertility problems and exactly how many gave birth.
Recently, researchers used that change in vitamin D requirements to investigate the impact of vitamin D supplementation on women with infertility.
They viewed three groups: Number 1) The vitamin D exposed group –
this included over 6000 women who had their primary infertility diagnosis
made between 1980 and 1985 when vitamin D fortification stopped.
Number 2) A small grouping of 1400 women have been diagnosed with infertility within 15 months after fortification stopped and
Number 3) Several 8,500 women have been identified as
having infertility more than 16 months after fortification was stopped.
The outcome were really interesting. Ladies in Group 1 (the vitamin D group) had an 87% higher possibility of live birth in comparison to group
3 (the no vitamin D group).
Ladies in group 2, (who were diagnosed following fortification stopped) were 52% more prone to have a live birth set alongside the no supplement group.
One other interesting thing about this study:
the advantages of vitamin D supplementation were just as strong in the dark
winter time as in the sunnier summer season – which is a little strange as
you might guess that more people would benefit in the
winter. Our InfertilityTV bottom line: This indicates
pretty reasonable when you have infertility to check your vitamin D levels and get your levels
into the normal range if they’re low. Even if your levels are normal, take a prescription prenatal vitamin containing vitamin D.
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