Als “Ausländer” habe ich derzeit wenig Überblick ueber die politische Diskussion um die deutschen Hochschulen. Aber dennoch wollte ich nicht versäumen, auf diesen Kommentar (dessen Autor?autorin nicht namentlich genannt wird) im aktuellen nature hinzuweisen: The shared burden. Zitat:

German schools certainly need greater investment, and the federal government is well placed to help. But in this sensitive area, the states do not want the federal government to share in decisions on how its donated money is spent. This is unacceptable to the government, which until 2006 had always participated in decisions about the co-financing of university infrastructure and equipment through its inclusion in the German Council of Science and Humanities, a high-level committee of scientists and politicians.

The debate over schools could involve years of painful negotiation, and German universities should not be made to wait. If the Social Democrats and Greens drop their opposition to the two-word addition to the constitution now, that change could be in place by March 2013.

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