A reader from the Philippines has asked me for help. Can somebody solve the crypto puzzle he is currently working on?
Klausis Krypto Kolumne is a truly international blog. My readers come from Germany, the USA and virtually every other country in the world. Now for the first time, a reader from the Philippines has contacted me. His name is Matt, he lives in the capital Manila.
Matt is taking part in some game (I call it “Thrilla in Manila”, sorry for the corny joke) and his current task is to solve a cryptogram. It doesn’t look like an easy one. Maybe one of my readers can solve it anyway.
The Revel Compact
Matt has sent me nine pictures. The first one refers to the Revel Compact, a bar that is described on its Facebook site as follows: “A Secret Revolving Bar that throws the best parties. Strictly by invite only. Parties never in the same area.”
As it seems, the Revel Compact is so secret that it is not even publicly known where it is located. Maybe the solution of the cryptogram will tell us.
The second picture shows a number of business cards with some words marked. These cards might contain information that helps to solve the cryptogram.
The next picture gives a few instructions on how to decipher the cryptogram:
The cryptogram
The cryptogram is spread to six sheets.
How to solve it?
According to the instructions given on one of the pictures, we need “poly” to solve this cryptogram. “poly” might refer to a polyalphabetic cipher, e.g., the Vigenère cipher. Do the words marked on the business cards serve as keys for the encrypted text? I don’t know.
If you can solve this cryptogram from the Philippines or if you have some other clue, please leave a comment. Matt and I would be pleased to learn the solution to this puzzle.
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Further reading:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13501820
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/763282653806483/
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