
So, why would somebody in the 16th century write a book with biblical pictures and encrypt it? Was the author a heretic who wanted to hide his religious views from the church? Are the biblical pictures only included to confuse the reader, while the text has a completly non-biblical content? We simply don’t know.


Source: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The solution by Levente Zoltán Király and Gábor Tokai

There are many hypotheses about the writing of the Rohonc Codex: a code, a nomenclator, a shorthand, a lost writing system, an artificial language, nonsense, …

For years there have been reports about two Hungarian scientists who felt close to having solved the mystery. In June 2018, finally, these scientists, Levente Zoltán Király and Gábor Tokai, published a paper about their solution in Cryptologia. The details are covered in a blog post I wrote.


There were many discussions about Király and Tokai’s solution. Some major experts, including Benedek Láng, are confident about it. Others have raised doubts. But this is not the topic of this article. Irrespective of whether or not it is solved, the Rohonc Codex is one of the most spectacular cryptograms in existence.

Further reading: A German spy message from World War 2


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