However, Nick’s hypothesis doesn’t explain why the unknown dead man wasn’t missed by anybody. In fact, the identity of the Somerton Man is the biggest mystery in this story. It just doesn’t make sense that a person whose photo was published in the press all around the world wasn’t recognized by anyone. Was the Somerton Man a spy from Eastern Europe? Was he a Nazi who fled from Europe after the Second World War? Was he a loner without anybody who missed him? Did he live as a woman in his ordinary life, looking completely different from the man on the photo?

The case of the Somerton man is undoubtedly a spectacular mystery. The Taman Shud cryptogram is only one of many exciting facets of this case, but it undoubtedly deserves a place among the most important unsolved cryptograms in the world.

Further reading: A German spy message from World War 2


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Kommentare (7)

  1. #1 Magnus E
    6. November 2018

    It looks like a couple of the ‘M’ letters could actually be a ‘W’.

  2. #2 Nick Pelling
    7. November 2018

    Hi Klaus, unfortunately your information is several years out of date, a lot of research has happened since I first started to post on the Skeleton Man. I now think he was far more likely to be connected to the nurse’s soon-to-be husband (a car salesman) and the car the Rubaiyat was found in than to the nurse herself, even if she did know who he was.

    Anyway, it’s a long story that’s far too big for this small margin etc. 🙂

    Cheers, Nick

  3. #3 Thomas
    7. November 2018

    Nick: “Skeleton Man”: How scary!

    • #4 Nick Pelling
      7. November 2018

      Serve me right for commenting on the train. 🙁

      I meant “Somerton Man”, of course. But Skeleton Man is perhaps more accurate now. 🙂

  4. #5 Klaus Schmeh
    11. November 2018

    @Nick Pelling:
    >Hi Klaus, unfortunately your information is
    >several years out of date
    Sorry, thanks for the correction.

  5. #6 Simon
    5. Dezember 2018

    I’m thoroughly enjoying reading through the top 50 unsolved encryption mysteries! The 70th anniversary of The Somerton Man’s death was on the weekend and the state government agreed to exhume his body if enough money is raised. This may lead to a breakthrough in the case. More information here:

  6. #7 Katja Beinke
    13. Oktober 2021

    I think the solution are coordinates. They are located in Africa and it is an geometric pattern.

    23 18 7 15 1 2
    23°18’07.0“N 15°01’02.0“E

    1 2 4
    I’m not sure what it means

    13 12 9 1 15 9
    13°12’09.0“N 1°15’09.0“E

    23 20 2 9 13 16
    23°20’02.0“N 9°13’16.0“E

    1 14 5 20 16
    1°14‘00.0“N 5°20’16.0“E

    13 12 9 1 2 15
    13°12’09.0“N 1°2’15.0“E

    1 9 1 17 3
    1°09’00.0“N 1°17’03.0“E

    9 20 20 13 20 19
    9°20’20.0“N 13°20’19.0“E

    1 13 19 20 7 1
    1°13’19.0“N 20°07’01.0“E

    I’m not sure what it means