Suchergebnisse für „25“

Fascinating stories about hidden messages in texts, pictures and other objects – this is what my new book “Versteckte Botschaften” is about. Here are some of the highlights of this work.

The Zodiac Killer has hit the cinemas again. In a new film titled “Awakening the Zodiac” the code of the killer is broken.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has mysteriously vanished from his home, left behind several encrypted books. A publishing company has now published one of them. It has entered the Brazilian bestseller list.

A few years ago I took pictures of a rare encryption device from the Cold War era. Can a reader help to find out more about it?

op011 is a new internet game, the organizer of which is unknown. Readers who liked Cicada 3301 and Tengri 137 should take a closer look at it.

At least 50 persons have claimed to have deciphered the Voynich Manuscript. A simple test I have developped helps to check whether a solution is correct.

Dutch collectors Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons own a simple, but carefully made cipher disk produced by Linge in Pleidelsheim. Can a reader help to find out more about this device?

An M4 Enigma from World War II has set a new world record price at a Christie’s auction in New York.

During the Thirty Years’ War emperor Ferdinand III (1608 -1657) used a secret writing system. It has never been solved.

Scotish poet Thomas Urquhart (1611-1660) left behind two encrypted poems. They have never been deciphered.