The lyrics of the song “Encryption D” by techno musician AVTechNO! reads like an encrypted message. Can a reader break it?

To be honest, techno is not the kind of music I usually listen to. However, when I recently checked the Reddit group r/Codes, which I do quite often, I read a post about a techno song that attracted my attention. The title of the song is Encryption D; the lyrics of the song seem to contain an encrypted message.

Here’s a video of the song.

Encryption D is performed by AVTechNO!. It goes without saying that I have never heard of this musician before. According to a website I found, AVTechNO! (also known as Momo’n’ga-Jump!) is a techno and electronic artist, who doesn’t limit his talents to techno only, as many of his songs are ballads. The name “AVTechNO!” is derived from “ADVANCE TECH NO!”, which means “my technique is not good and I want to advance my skill”. Since his debut in late 2008, AVTechNO! has worked at developing his skill as a producer of techno music. He is a tireless creator, pumping out singles and remixes on a regular basis.

The lyrics of Encryption D are available here. For copyright reasons, I can only publish an excerpt on this blog. Here it is:


As can be seen, these lyrics consist of seemingly random, unrelated words, many of which denote colors. A Reddit user even believes that all the expressions in these lyrics stand for colors. However, I am not sure whether the color yacht-eggshell-nugget gold really exists. There are no spaces between the words, which makes reading more difficult.

Can a reader find out if these lyrics really represent an encrypted message? If so, can somebody break it?

Further reading: Listen to this musical cipher from 1933


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Kommentare (5)

  1. #1 Klaus Schmeh
    3. November 2018

    Mark Romo via FaceBook: It’s a color palette, such as the one (below, circled in red), required to create this particular character…

  2. #2 Richard SantaColoma
    3. November 2018

    You’ve posted Mark’s observation, above, which seems to be the correct interpretation of this. But interestingly, the tones of the synthesized “voice” used for the singing anime character are described as “colours” (Wikipedia):

    “The EVEC “Colours” for Luka are; “power 1”, “power 2”, “native”, “whisper”, “dark”, “husky”, “soft”, “falsetto” and “cute”. All 4 Japanese vocals could use the new “Cross-Synthesis” (“XSY”) system for Vocaloid4 together, while the 2 English ones could be cross-synthesized also with each other.”

    Could it be that the colors in the lyrics represent the range of tones used, also? I’m not sure I have the “ear”, nor the patience, but perhaps if someone were to listen to this, they may be able to tell if a color in the lyrics is always the same tone/cadence?

  3. #3 Breaker
    21. Dezember 2018

    There is a chance that the writing conceals actual words interwoven inside of it. I made the adjustments to separate the majority of real colors from words that I see being added to connect as a sort of coded message.

    daffodilyellow yacht eggshellnuggetgoldorchidwhitesu
    nsetredhopgreeninkblack nanking bluejasmineindiansta
    rtansunriseyellowundercolorwhitelilyorangeflame kha
    ki oldrosenaplesyellowopalmouvekellygreenyellowtint
    arblewhiteegyptianbluekendalgreenolivedrab madonna b
    lue united dawngrayyellowgreenenglishrednewsilverold

    If direct colors are mentioned then its got a few words thrown in that aren’t from the predominate selections of 2 word colors or their descriptors for the programming.

    If these are extracted there is a sort of message.

    yacht nanking khaki madonna united

  4. #4 Breaker
    21. Dezember 2018

    I found the look of the message to be somewhat of a lead using themes from their entertainment industry affiliations

    He claims to also want to improve his skill…..

    Can say this is the simplest of codes so that might be his message….?

    Then again it might be something that is related to a partial theme and that the video and the cipher hold for something that required other parts to complete.

  5. #5 Breaker
    21. Dezember 2018

    5 words – 5 letter blocks


    Perfect Realigment

    NANKI-poo is a character from the MIKADO

    KIMAD is also hiding the word MIKAD