Der polnische Historiker Rafał Prinke ist in einem alten Manuskript des Hamburger Arztes Benedikt Nikolaus Petraeus auf verschlüsselte Passagen gestoßen. Kann ein Leser diese entziffern?

English version (translated with Deepl)

Wer sich (wie ich) mit dem Voynich-Manuskript beschäftigt, kennt den polnischen Historiker Rafał Prinke. Unter anderem hat dieser mit René Zandbergen und Stephen Skinner ein Voynich-Manuskript-Buch verfasst. 2012 habe ich Rafał bei der “Voynich 100“-Konferenz in der Nähe von Rom persönlich kennen gelernt. Er zählt zu den führenden Experten für die Geschichte der Alchemie und Astrologie und ist laut einem Interview einer der führenden polnischen Genealogen.


Das Gedicht von Martinus de Delle

Rafał hat vor Kurzem eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit dem Titel “Learn to Restrain Your Mouth”: Alchemical Rumours and their Historiographical Afterlives veröffentlicht. Darin geht es um ein längeres Gedicht (bestehend aus 500 Zeilen), das bisher einem Martinus de Delle zugeschrieben wurde, der ein Kammerdiener von Kaiser Rudolf II. (1552-1612) gewesen sein soll. Rudolf II. ist in der Voynich-Manuskript-Szene ebenfalls bekannt, da er das Manuskript möglicherweise besessen hat.

Rafał Prinke und sein Ko-Autor Mike Zuber kommen jedoch zum Schluss, dass der besagte Martinus de Delle nie existiert hat und das Gedicht stattdessen von einem anderen Alchemisten der damaligen Zeit verfasst wurde. In ihrer Arbeit präsentieren die beiden eine vollständige Transkription dieses lyrischen Werks.

Quelle/Source: Prinke, Zuber

Als Quelle haben Rafał und sein Kollege die einzige bekannte verfügbare Abschrift des Gedichts verwendet. Diese steht in einem Manuskript, das der Hamburger Arzt Benedikt Nikolaus Petraeus um das Jahr 1700 angefertigt hat. Das Manuskript enthält neben dem Gedicht eine von Petraeus verfasste Einleitung.


Die Petraeus-Kryptogramme

Und jetzt wird es für Krypto-Freunde interessant: Das Manuskript von Petraeus enthält fünf Abschnitte, die offensichtlich verschlüsselt sind. Rafał hat diese fünf Kryptogramme schon vor Veröffentlichung seiner Arbeit einigen Experten gezeigt. Auch ich hatte die Gelegenheit, sie mir anzusehen. Bisher konnte sie keiner dechiffrieren.

Im Folgenden sind die fünf verschlüsselten Passagen aus dem Manuskript aufgeführt. Darunter ist jeweils meine Einschätzung angegeben, die ich seinerzeit (auf Englisch) an Rafał geschickt habe.


Quelle/Source: Cod. alchim. 651, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

You have certainly noticed the word “Tinctur”, which indicates that we deal with something like a recipe. The vertical lines are probably word separators. The number of symbols in the alphabet used is too high for an ordinary substitution cipher. So, there are basicly two possibilities:

  • Nomenclator: Some of the symbols (especially, the rarer and more complex ones) stand for complete words. Perhaps, they represent substances that were used as ingredients. The simpler and more common symbols represent letters. If this assumption is correct, the encryption system used is a nomenclator – something very typical for 17th century cryptography.
  • Homophonic cipher: Some of the symbols represent the same letter (homophones).

Of course, it is also possible that both options were used at the same time, which results in a nomenclator with homophones.

Solving this cryptogram based only on statistical examinations might be difficult. Perhaps, it is possible to guess a word, which can be used as a crib. Many 17th century nomenclators are sorted in some way, which makes cryptanalysis a lot easier, but this one is not based on numbers, so I see no obvious way of sorting.


Quelle/Source: Cod. alchim. 651, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

This looks like a key. However, I have never seen a key of this kind before and I don’t see an obvious way how to use it.

At first view, it looks like a table listing homophones for each letter. However, the first line doesn’t list the complete alphabet, and then some letters are repeated. This is very unusual for a substitution table. In addition, several symbols in the third and fourth line are repeated, which doesn’t make sense in a substitution table, either.

One possible interpretation is that only the first two lines represent a key. Perhaps, this table that was used in addition another, more complete table in order to use the numbers from 1 to 8 as additional homophones. If this assumption is correct, line 3 and 4 might represent a short encrypted text, e.g., two encrypted words. As the third last letters in both lines ar identical, it might be possible to guess them. Taking into account that the cleartext is written in Latin, these three letters might be IUS or IUM.


Quelle/Source: Cod. alchim. 651, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

This text could be encrypted in an ordinary substitution cipher, perhaps with a few homophones. A small nomenclator is another possibility. As no word boundaries are indicated, guessing words is difficult. Statistical properties might help. Considering that we deal with a German message, the three most frequent letters (h, 2 and a non-standard symbol) might stand for E, N and I. Trying different combinations and applaying them on the ciphertext might lead to recognizable words, but my tries have not succeeded.


Quelle/Source: Cod. alchim. 651, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

Here, the string “h2wh” looks interesting. h and 2 are frequent letters, w is not. Perhaps, this string stands for ENDE. However, I didn’t get much further when I tried to continue based on this guess.


Quelle/Source: Cod. alchim. 651, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

This is a short message. It’s difficult to say where the word boundaries are. The last word (MUh2hu2 or h2hu2) might be usable as a pattern search. With CrypTool 2 I received the following German words:


No German word with this pattern.

To my regret, nothing really convincing showed up (GALILEI looks nice, but I doubt that this guess is correct). Perhaps, you can make guesses based on your knowledge of the potential content.



Rafał ist sich keineswegs sicher, dass die fünf Kryptogramme überhaupt lösbar sind. Für den Fall, dass es möglich ist, hat er hilfreiche Vorarbeit geleistet. Hier ist zunächt eine Transkriptionstabelle für Kryptogramm #3:

Quelle/Source: Prinke

Die folgende Grafik zeigt eine Häufigkeitsanalyse, ebenfalls zum dritten Kryptogramm:

Quelle/Source: Prinke

Außerdem gibt es hier noch eine von Rafał zur Verfügung gestellte Excel-Datei mit einer Transkription sowie einer editierbaren Ersetzungstabelle.

Schafft es jemand, die Kryptogramme mit diesen Hilfsmitteln zu lösen?

Further reading: Unsolved: The encrypted notebook of painter Ludwig Göbel


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Kommentare (11)

  1. #1 George Lasry
    5. Januar 2021

    I have been trying together with Nils Kopal to decipher this text, assuming this is indeed a cipher and not a series of alchemic teams or formula, without success. The text is probably too short for automated algorithms to be effective (when we assume a German text encoded by a homophonic cipher), but a different approach might work.

  2. #2 Richard SantaColoma
    5. Januar 2021

    “Perhaps, they represent substances that were used as ingredients.”

    I agree with you, many of the symbols do look like alchemical substances.

  3. #3 Marthy
    5. Januar 2021

    Picture marked #4 is written In the conjuction of the Sun ( circle with dot) and the symbol for Mercury. I compared marks with my book about alchemycal and astrological symbols. I am not sure, but think the language is latin.

  4. #4 Gerry
    5. Januar 2021

    #5: May be a poem in German as fully visible lines 3 and 4 do rhyme.
    @Klaus: Is there an image of #5 with more lines visible above and below?

  5. #5 Klaus Schmeh
    5. Januar 2021

    >@Klaus: Is there an image of #5 with more
    >lines visible above and below?
    I have asked Rafał.

  6. #6 Klaus Schmeh
    6. Januar 2021

    >@Klaus: Is there an image of #5 with more
    >lines visible above and below?
    Rafał has provided me the following transcript:

  7. #7 Marthy
    7. Januar 2021

    picture #4 should mean: Astri solis in liquorem – the star next in the sun, return to a liquid . Augmentatio in infinitum – an increase to infinity

  8. #8 Jane Smith
    8. Januar 2021

    #2 Solve Filiam Saturninam cum Radice.

    Veritas means truth in Latin. The goddess of truth was called Veritas. She was also the daughter of Saturn. (see

    The word “Veritas” was often used for mottos, e.g. for universities or colleges.

    Veritatis would be genitive case, or maybe nominative plural, i.e. truths, Wahrheiten. Could be taken to mean that truths are hidden behind the code.

    The sentence above the word means: (Dis)solve the daughter of Saturn with root. Sounds (al)chemical. But it could also be understood mathematically, as in solving an equation with a square root (Wurzel aus), a magic square or suchlike.

    I’d be interested to know what it says in the following text.

    #5 – Could it be a name? A woman’s name could fit to the theme of the poem. Could be six (or seven?) letters for the first name, then a slight gap after the one that looks like a 7, then seven signs for the family name. Does the pattern MUh2hu2 fit any German family names?

  9. #9 Gerry
    8. Januar 2021

    #5 – As it is a poem, the lines should rhyme. So the first question is, if the two symbols on the line ending with Bluth (= blood) belong to this line or the next. If the line ends with Bluth, then the encrypted line must rhyme with it, e. g. Mut/Muth (= courage) or thut (= do, does; old German witing for tut). Taking the VERITAS schema for 2hu2, the 2s could be “t” and the other two (hu) cleartext giving THUT.
    #4 – Again taking the VERITAS schema, h2wh could be VI_A (the w symbol with the overstrike beeing unknown _) – and with the cleartext line above the crypto “… mein Leben lang” (= my life long) this VI_A could be Latin VITA (= life).

  10. #10 Jane Smith
    8. Januar 2021

    #2 again – if you re-order the letters according to the numbers, you get SATE VITRI. Which does not make a lot of sense, though. 😉

    I tried to find a plant known as “Daughter of Saturn” or “Saturninus”, but no luck.

    Klaus, could you find out what the lines above and below #2 are?

    Do you know anything about the life of Benedikt Nikolaus Petraeus? I only found mentions of his books.

  11. #11 Andreas
    10. Januar 2021

    #10 SATRE VITRI is latin and means “Satzglas” in german and “Sate Glass” in english. These are jars that you can nest inside each other. A picture: