Suchergebnisse für „25“

A challenge cryptogram from a 2012 puzzle book is still unsolved. The author will award a book copy to the first one who breaks it.

Luxury car producer Rolls-Royce is equipping some of its vehicles with hidden cipher messages. Two Germans play a major role in this marketing stunt.

A museum director from Switzerland is asking for help. Can a reader decipher the inscription on an executioner’s sword?

Crypto collector Ralph Simpson is compiling a list of all Kryha machines that are known to exist. Can my readers support him?

In 1648, English king Charles I wrote four encrypted letters while in captivity on the Isle of Wight. Can a reader break these cryptograms?

A hundred years ago, German textile engineer Rudolf Zschweigert invented a remarkable encryption machine. A paper I recently published gives an introduction to this device.

Gravestones bearing an encrypted or hidden message are one of my favorite blog topics. Here’s a speciment I recently discovered on Reddit.

In WW2, later US president John F. Kennedy and his crew disappeared after their torpedo boat had sunk. Can my readers help to make sense of an encrypted message that was sent a few days later?

British WW2 soldier and prisoner of war Donald Hill kept a steganographic diary. A 13-minute TV documentary available on YouTube tells this story.

Blog reader Christoph Tenzer has sent me a nice crypto challenge, based on an enhanced Caesar cipher. Can a reader solve it?