Suchergebnisse für „25“

Charles Dellschau (1830-1923), a US outsider artist, left behind fascinating paintings and numerous ciphertexts. Can my readers help me to decrypt these?

In the preview of the new Batman movie, a ciphertext can be seen. Can a reader solve it?

I need the help of my readers to correctly decipher two encrypted newspaper ads from 1882.

Crypto history expert Frode Weierud has provided me a number of unsolved German cipher messages from the Second World War. Can a reader break them?

Blog reader Declan Gilligan from Dublin has provided me a long list of facts about Irish crypto history. I used some of these to extend my Cryptologic Travel Guide.

Here’s an English postcard from the early 20th century. Can a reader deipher it?, one of the most popular news portals in the world, has published an article about the Kryptos sculpture. And then, there’s a question about Kryptos I would like to ask my readers.

German egyptologist Rainer Hannig recently claimed to have solved the Voynich manuscript. Israeli crypto expert Moshe Rubin is skeptical.

Richard Bean has made me aware of an in-depth interview US an art historian did with Jim Sanborn. A transcript of this talk has now been made available online.

In 1643, German aristocrat Carl von Rabenhaupt sent an encrypted letter to Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel. Can a reader break this cryptogram?