Suchergebnisse für „25“

The HistoCrypt 2021 is scheduled for September 20-22 in Amsterdam. The Call for Papers is running until February 21. Let’s hope that the Covid-19 situation has improved by then.

HistoCrypt 2021 in Amsterdam: Datum vormerken, Vortrag einreichen, Daumen drücken! Die HistoCrypt 2021 ist für den 20. bis 22. September in Amsterdam geplant. Der Call for Papers läuft bis zum 21. Februar. Hoffen wir, dass sich die Situation bei Covid-19 bis dahin verbessert hat.

Here are two sequences of letters or symbols that look like encrypted messages, but are not. Can you guess what their real meaning is?

Zwei nichtkryptografische Kryptogramme aus dem Jahr 1970 Hier sind zwei Sequenzen von Buchstaben oder Symbolen, die wie verschlüsselte Nachrichten aussehen, es aber nicht sind. Können Sie erraten, was ihre wahre Bedeutung ist?

Marie Vahjen (1880-?) from New York was one of the few women who filed a patent for an encryption device.

An old newspaper article mentions a Czech cipher machine from the 1920s. Can a reader find out more about this device?

It took over three months and 55 comments on my blog. Now, Magnus Ekhall and Patrik Almqvist have solved the Ivory Coast cryptogram. Their work is based on a discovery by Christoph Tenzer.

The solution of an anamorphic I reently found online might be considered obscene. I’m going to cover it in this article anyway.

Blog reader Jozef Krajčovič has sent me a turning grille ciphertext he found in an 1870 scientific journal. Can a reader decipher it?

A newspaper article published earlier this year covers an encrypted message written by a supermax-prison inmate. The content of this note is about steganography.