Stuart Kohlhagen, der Schöpfer der Krypto-Skulptur NKRYPT, hat Elonka Dunin und mir ein Interview gegeben. Er hat uns einige Dinge verraten, die bisher nicht öffentlich bekannt waren.
Die acht NKRYPT-Skulpturen in Canberra (Australien) sind mit zahlreichen verschlüsselten Botschaften beschriftet. Eine davon könnte etwas mit menschlichem Erbgut zu tun haben.
NKRYPT, located in Canberra Australia, is a set of eight sculptures that bear encrypted inscriptions. Today, I’m going to introduce one of these: the PVL cryptogram.
NKRYPT, located in Canberra Australia, is a set of eight steel pillars that bear encrypted inscriptions. Today, I’m going to introduce one of these: the squircle cryptogram.
NKRYPT is a set of eight steel pillars bearing encrypted inscriptions, located in Canberra Australia. Here are a few photographs of this artwork, along with some basic information.
In Canberra, Australia, there is a set of eight steel pillars bearing encrypted inscriptions. So far, they have not received much attention in the codebreaking community. Some of the cryptograms are still unsolved.
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