
op011 is a new internet game, the organizer of which is unknown. Readers who liked Cicada 3301 and Tengri 137 should take a closer look at it.

Over 180 readers have commented on my recent blog articles about the Tengri 137 mystery. Now Tengri 137 has posted a new challenge.

A new Tengri 137 challenge has shown up. Blog reader Norbert Biermann found the solution – codebreaking at its best. Now the next Tengri 137 puzzle is waiting to be solved.

“Who can solve this encrypted book?”, I asked five weeks ago. Blog reader Klaus Tappeiner from South Tyrol, Italy, could. His solution of the Tengri 137 cryptogram is absolutely ingenious.

Tengri 137 is the name of a mystery game, in the center of which is an encrypted book. The last seven pages of this book still wait to be deciphered.