

There are many questions about Ernest Rinzi’s journal I ask myself. Are there other encrypted documents Rinzi left behind? What else is known about his biography? Did Rinzi leave any traces in London (e.g., artwork that can be seen in a museum)? If a reader knows an answer or can even decipher this outstanding cryptogram, please let me know.

Further reading: Who can solve this encrypted book from the 1980s?


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Kommentare (5)

  1. #1 Dampier
    22. September 2017

    Viel Spaß bei der Transkription 😉

  2. #2 Thomas
    22. September 2017

    Gibt es eigentlich eine Software, die solche handschriftlichen Zeichen erfassen und ihnen statistisch zu verarbeitende Werte zuweisen kann? Bestimmt gibt’s sowas doch für Hieroglyphen u.s.w.

  3. #3 gerd
    22. September 2017

    Einige Zeichen sehen aus wie japanische Hiragana und Katakana Zeichen, ist das Zufall? Wieviele verschiedene Zeichen kommen überhaupt vor?


  4. #4 Tobi
    22. September 2017

    Thomas There are a lot of algorithms that can transcribe handwriting, usually they are self-learning algorithms trained on hundreds or thousands of samples. But those algorithms won’t help here that much, since the hand-writing isn’t that clear, and is combined with pictures, wich make it even harder to process the text.

  5. […] שמפיין בארה"ב. היומן זכה לחשיפה גדולה וגם עורר הרבה רעשים, בעיקר בקרב אנשי הקריפטוגרפיה ומפענחי הצפנים של העולם. […]