
As can be seen, Z340 associates with the fake ciphers. Interestingly, the other true ciphers form their own cluster, away from Z408, implying that the encryption mechanism used for them is a lot stronger than the encryption mechanism of Z408.


A fake or not a fake?

Other tests Juzek describes in his paper strengthen the nonsense hypothesis, too. Nevertheless, Juzek’s work is not a proof that Z340 is a fake cryptogram (and Juzek doesn’t claim that it is). However, Juzek has delivered some interesting evidence that supports the hoax hypothesis.

Generally speaking, the nonsense hypothesis appears to make sense. I can well imagine that the Zodiac Killer wanted to create an unsolvable crypto mystery, after his first encryption had proven weaker than he had expected. Perhaps, to be on the safe side, he decided to create an encrypted message that is unsolvable because there is no solution.

If you follow Juzek’s arguments or if you have a different opinion about Z340, please let me know.

Further reading: The Zodiac Killer code is solved – at least in this new movie

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Kommentare (12)

  1. #1 Klaus Schmeh
    4. Mai 2018

    Wolfgang Wilhelm via Facebook:
    Auch eine Idee, andere damit zu beschäftigen, Codes zu knacken, die überhaupt keine sind. Verwirrung beim Feind zu stiften ist immer gut 😉 Gibt es irgendwelche neuere Beispiele für diese Art von Geheimdienst-Trollerei? 🙂

  2. #2 David Oranchak
    4. Mai 2018

    Juzek’s analysis is very good but I’m not sure it sufficiently considers the possibility of transposition methods that could have been applied prior to the substitutions. For example, there is a significant spike in the appearance of repeating bigrams at period 19, which possibly suggests some kind of transposition. (More info on ngram bias: https://zodiackillerciphers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Encyclopedia_of_observations#Periodic_ngram_bias)

    Transpositions disrupt the normal occurrences of repeating ngrams, so you have to reverse the transposition operations before counting up the ngrams.

    I’m really curious what Juzek’s analysis would yield if it also considered a wide variety of transposition methods. What effects would this have on the mean squared distance measurement, and how would it compare to known “true” transposition ciphers?

  3. #3 David Oranchak
    4. Mai 2018

    I should add that Juzek acknowledges the transposition possibility in the addendum of his blog post.

  4. #4 Hans Regli
    4. Mai 2018

    Nat Geo hat vor kurzem eine ganze Serie ausgestrahlt zum diesem Thema, “The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer”. In der letzten Episode wird der letzte Code (wenn ich das noch richtig in Erinnerung habe) durch einen Menschen geknackt, der Computer konnte es hingegen nicht. Wen’s interessiert…

  5. #5 Michael
    4. Mai 2018

    “Is the second Zodiac Killer message a fake?”


    Es sind im Text einige putzige Stellen, wie z. B. in der letzten Zeile “Z O delta A I K”, die wohl dazu verleiten sollen, sich näher mit dem Chiffre zu befassen.

  6. #6 Stefan
    9. Mai 2018

    Hallo Klaus,
    ich habe mir den Brief mit dem Zodiac Code mit „my name is“ angeschaut und durchdacht.
    Wenn der Zodiac Killer tatsächlich seinen echten Namen in dem Brief verschlüsselt hat, dann müsste man über einen Namensabgleich von San Fransisco und Umland den Täter möglicherweise ermitteln können. Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Killer in oder um San Fransisco lebte und arbeitete, weil dort die Morde geschahen und die Briefe aufgegeben wurden. Laut Zodiac-Code sind Buchstabe 1 und 12, Buchstabe 3 und 11, sowie Buchstabe 5,7 und 9 identisch. Bedeutet suchen sie nach einem 13 stelligen Namen bei dem vor allem Buchstabe 5,7 und 9 identisch sind. Das ist natürlich die Nadelsuche im Heuhaufen, aber eine mögliche Option, den Namenscode zu knacken. Man bräuchte dazu alle Namensregister/Melderegister von San Fransisco und Umgebung zwischen 1967 bis 1979, und müsste genau nach diesen Namenskonstellationen 13 Buchstaben 1 + 12 / 3 + 11 / und vor allem 5,7 + 9 identisch suchen. Hat der Killer nicht gefakt und tatsächlich seinen richtigen Namen in dem Brief verschlüsselt, könnte man so möglicherweise auf die Lösung kommen. Ein Versuch wäre es auf diese Art und Weise mal wert. Ich glaube kaum, dass es so viele 13 stellige Namen mit dieser Buchstabenkombination gibt. Viele Grüße Stefan

  7. #7 Ian
    26. September 2018

    I ran this cipher in AZ Decrypt as a slice selection in the form of a 4 line “rail fence” cipher. The software returned a seemingly randomized sequence of the “th” digraph. Each digraph was followed by a random vowel or two, an occasional consonant, then another “th” digraph, over and over again. I get the same result as a 3 line fence cipher. If not some decoding error with the software itself, I am at a loss to explain it. If the cipher is a fake I would have expected much more randomness. So why the “th” digraph repeated over and over and over?

  8. #8 Sharon
    30. Juni 2021

    FYI_ Every cipher has his name inside. Orcheck and the other non cipher solves are incorrect. We solved (erik and I) every single cipher and know the name in full, address and phone and relatives the same. You have been lied to by the crypto guys. Fbi has the solves and arent accepting any more “solves “. They are already solved months ago and they arent accepting solved ciphers from cheaters and liars. We only did names and it was in most all of them.

  9. #9 Sharon
    Zodiac hoax by Zodiac Cryptos
    7. August 2021

    David didnt solve the cipher, I saw the list of supporters and the FBI and all of SF law enforcement are backing them. He says everyone solving is a Hoax. However Kevin stole the name cipher from my twitter archive – ask them. It was solved by Erik Buswalda from Holland and not one word of credit. They harrassed me for 8 months and I had two seizures. Kevin took the name to FBI and FBI approved, they were aware it was a double cipher and Corey Starlipper solved most. David called him all kinds of name. Ask Eric who solved them. He did.,FBI deletes any comment I make on twitter. The Zodiak is from Holland. Name is John Nels Jorgensen at 22010 San Juancito Perris, Ca. I have much more information and it sure wont go the FBI and all San francisco law enforcement supports as well. I hope the idiots that think hes god reads this but they probably wont believe.

  10. #10 Sharon Lindimore
    19. Januar 2023

    Every single cipher is an off shoot of the arabian language. Like, Hindi, Teluga, Tamil, Aberjaijani – thats where he lived after 74. Use a non image file cut and paste and capture special char. Reverse steps when you get arabic, and the English word is your answer. Takes less than 1 day to solve every translation. The reason Z13 and Z32 cant be solved, is you are trying to solve incorrectly like a cipher when its really a translation. Z340 has interesting information in the middle and bottom, it doesnt have that killing data in lines 1-4 –5-20 was not broken. Its translatable. If you dont want to do the work, send to a company that will translate for you.

  11. #11 Sharon Lindimore
    19. Januar 2023

    What you are calling and trying to solve as “cipher” – these are Z340, Z408, Z13, Z32 – they are translations of another language. Z13 and Z32 you couldnt do as cipher, the only way is translation. Thats why you cannot decipher it. No name, no bomb. They are offshoots of previously occupied Russian countries. Zodiac lived in Aabaizan for awhile, spelled wrong. Your tools should be a pencil, paper, google translator. Zodiac could not cipher. Only 4 lines of 340 were done, did 5-20 middle and ending are very interesting. None of that was captured. 2 translations are needed. Non image file, cut and paste to capture the special letters. In less than a day you can solve every one. ALL of them. Or utilize a company that will do translations for you.

  12. #12 Sharon Lindimore
    14. Juli 2024

    Actually I had solved the ciphers and Erik and I did the finding of him by different perspectives. Eriks was the yearbook he and Cheri were in,and mine was the fact his uncle (same name) was writing pulps that matched the murders. I have been trying to get Erik some recogition for years. FYI Tom Voight hacked my email, took the name and the cipher answers and backdated to 2019 and said he did them. Hunt for Zodiac people have said “someone made a comment” with their hand covering their mouth and said next so we were able to solve. Thats the true story