A Rubik’s Cube can be used to implement a low-tech encryption method. But is it secure? Here’s a challenge for my readers to solve.
Designing a secure manual encryption algorithm is a challenge. Some cryptographers have developed ciphers that require a deck of playing cards. The best-known one of this kind is Bruce Schneier’s Solitaire. Today, I am going to introduce another one: Talon by Aaron Toponce.
The crypto number table is a simple, yet far from trivial cipher. Can you break a cryptogram I have created with this method?
LC4 is a cipher that can be computed by hand. According to its creator, it is both secure and easy to use. Is LC4 better than other low-tech ciphers I have introduced on this blog?
In the novel Mathias Sandorf by Jules Verne the use of a Turning Grille is described. Does a reader know other encrypted messages of this kind?
Designing a secure and convenient encryption algorithm that doesn’t require a computer program or a machine is quite a challenge. The Handycipher is an interesting method of this kind.
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