The Bank of England has announced that Enigma cryptanalyst Alan Turing will appear on the new £50 banknote.
The German radio station WDR5 has aired a report about Enigma spy Hans-Thilo Schmidt. Among the experts quoted are Dermot Turing and me.
Crypto expert Elonka Dunin has discovered a steganographic message on the tombstone of William and Elizebeth Friedman.
The Reihenschieber was a simple encryption device used by the Germans in the Cold War. I built a model of it with Lego bricks. Can you solve an encrypted text I produced with it?
Just like every end of year, I am awarding the Golden Alice for outstanding achievements in the field of crypto history.
The first Enigma models were complex and expensive. Only when Enigma inventor Arthur Scherbius simplified the design of his machine it became practicable.
In 1941 the German chemicals group Bayer sent an encrypted letter to Columbia. British codebreakers were able to decipher it.
In World War 2 the Germans used more than a dozen different cipher machines. A few more were developped but not used in practice. This article gives an overview.
Für die Zeitschrift iX habe ich eine Ärztin interviewt. Sie hat mir verraten, wie bei ihrem Arbeitgeber, einem Krankenhaus, Krypto-Technik verwendet wird. Leider sieht die Praxis etwas anders aus, als man es sich als Krypto-Fachmann vorstellt.
Der Brite Jerry McCarthy hat eine Enigma-Knackmaschine aus den dreißiger Jahren nachgebaut. Ein faszinierendes Stück Technikgeschichte wird dadurch zum Leben erweckt.
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