Suchergebnisse für „voynich“

During the Thirty Years’ War, a Swedish general wrote an encrypted letter to a German Major. Can a reader decipher this message?

I’m looking forward to HistoCrypt 2019 (June 23-26 in Mons, Belgium). Among the speakers are many readers of this blog.

This year’s HistoCrypt conference will involve a unique line-up of world-renowned speakers and panelists – including Bill Clinton, Giovanni Infantino, and Bill Cosby.

HistoCrypt 2019 (June 23-26 in Mons, Belgium) will feature a number of world-renowned invited speakers. If you want to speak at this event, too, submit a paper until March 22.

HistoCrypt 2019 will take place from June 23-26, 2019 in Mons, Belgium. Here’s the Call for Papers. Apart from scientific papers, non-academic presentations are invited.

I have an appearance in a YouTube video that introduces the ten most notable unsolved cryptograms. More than a million people have already watched it.

In 1924, British mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine died trying to be the first to climb Mount Everest. An encrypted telegram reported the drama to their homeland. A blog reader identified the codebook that was used, but there is still one word, the meaning of which is unknown.

The Journal of Craptology, “a seminal journal in its field” (Moti Yung), has two major problems. First, there has been no new edition since 2014; second, somebody has encrypted the Call for Papers. Can a reader help?

The Rohonc Codex is one of the most famous cryptograms in the world. But is it still an unsolved one? That’s difficult to say.

Last year I reported on an encrypted inscription on a cigaret case from 1909. Though it looks like a simple substitution cryptogram that can be broken without much effort, it is still unsolved.