Suchergebnisse für „25“

Today I’m going to introduce two encrypted postcards I have recently found on a postcard blog. They are completely different from each other, but both still wait to be solved.

An unknown Freemason author once published a book, the content of which is given as a picture word puzzle (rebus). The solution is not known to me.

A Spanish company has bought the rights to make 898 official replicas of the Voynich manuscript. Another unofficial replica already exists – mine.

Russian teenager Vladimir Vinnichevsky (1923-1940) murdered several children and left behind an encrypted note. Can a reader make sense of it?

In 1904, a Bavarian theology student received a postcard written in a shorthand. Can a reader decrypt it?

In the early 20th century, an unknown person sent three encrypted postcards to a woman in Heidelberg, Germany. Can somebody break these cryptograms?

Henry Debosnys (1836-1883), a convicted murderer, left behind four cryptograms, which  are unsolved to date. Breaking them could shed light on the many mysteries that surround this case.

The British National Archive has published an encrypted letter from the 17th century. The solution is known, but many other encrypted notes of the same kind still wait to be broken.

In one of his lectures, master codebreaker William Friedman once mentioned two encrypted telegrams. He knew the  solutions, but he didn’t reveal them. Can a reader break these encrypted messages?

Edward Snowden, der berühmte Whistleblower, hat folgenden Tweet veröffentlicht: ffdae96f8dd29237 4a966ec8b57d9cc6 80ce1d23cb7072c5 22efe32a1a7e34b0. Nun wird gerätselt.