Der britische Enigma-Experte Mark Baldwin versucht momentan, eine seit langem bekannte Frage zu klären: Verkauften die Briten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg unsichere Verschlüsselungsmaschinen an ahnungslose Kunden?
A video documentary presents new facts about the history of the Enigma in the 1930s and its deciphering in the Second World War.
The Bank of England has announced that Enigma cryptanalyst Alan Turing will appear on the new £50 banknote.
Blog reader Magnus Ekhall has created a software that simulates an Enigma breaking device. He has also published a few challenges, one of which is still unsolved.
The German radio station WDR5 has aired a report about Enigma spy Hans-Thilo Schmidt. Among the experts quoted are Dermot Turing and me.
The Polish city of Poznań offers a number of interesting Enigma sights. Now, a new one is planned: an Enigma information center. Suggestions from my readers on how this place might look like are highly welcome.
German mathematician Dr. Heinrich Döring was one of the most brilliant codebreakers of the Second World War. Does a reader know what happened to him after 1945?
In various parts of London and in many other English cities kerbstones bear enigmatic markings. This kerbstone code has yet to be deciphered.
Crypto expert Elonka Dunin has discovered a steganographic message on the tombstone of William and Elizebeth Friedman.
On Friday the Heinz Nixdorf Museum will broadcast a number of radio messages encrypted with an Enigma. Codebreaking experts in Bletchley Park will try to decipher these cryptograms with WW2 technology. Enigma experts will try the same with computer support.
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