Suchergebnisse für „voynich“

The gravestone of William and Elizebeth Friedman in Washington, DC, bears a hidden message. A few days ago I had the chance to go on site and take a look at it. Here’s my report, including a video that shows Elonka Dunin explaining the code.

Ernest Rinzi was a 19th century jeweler, goldsmith and miniaturist. He left behind an encrypted journal that is still unsolved. My first impression is that this journal is the most notable unsolved encrypted book after the Voynich Manuscript and the Rohonc Codex.

A 17th-century Italian nun claimed that the Devil had dictated an encrypted letter to her. Scientists have now allegedly broken this cryptogram. Details are not known yet.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has mysteriously vanished from his home, left behind several encrypted books. A publishing company has now published one of them. It has entered the Brazilian bestseller list.

The Dorabella Cipher is one of the most popular crypto mysteries in the world. 120 years after its creation still nobody has found the solution.

An M4 Enigma from World War II has set a new world record price at a Christie’s auction in New York.

The Peralta Stones are a set of engraved stones. Some people believe they indicate the location of a lost gold mine.

US mathematics professor Craig Bauer has published a great book about unsolved cryptograms. Most of these crypto mysteries have been covered on this blog before.

Crypto expert Elonka Dunin has discovered a steganographic message on the tombstone of William and Elizebeth Friedman.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has been working on an “alien project”, has mysteriously vanished from his home. In his room he left behind numerous encrypted notes. Can a reader break his code?