Suchergebnisse für „Cicada 3301“

For almost 40 years, an unknown person has published cryptic advertisements in a US university newspaper. It is still unknown who is behind this game.

Montecrypto, a new online game that started yesterday, appears to be a mixture between Cicada 3301, Mystery Twister C3, escape room, and the Forest Fenn treasure hunt.

A new internet mystery game, named “Red Triangle”, has surfaced. Meanwhile, six chapters with crypto puzzles and other challenges are known to exist. Is the Red Triangle the new Cicada 3301?

op011 is a new internet game, the organizer of which is unknown. Readers who liked Cicada 3301 and Tengri 137 should take a closer look at it.

Over 180 readers have commented on my recent blog articles about the Tengri 137 mystery. Now Tengri 137 has posted a new challenge.

A new Tengri 137 challenge has shown up. Blog reader Norbert Biermann found the solution – codebreaking at its best. Now the next Tengri 137 puzzle is waiting to be solved.

“Who can solve this encrypted book?”, I asked five weeks ago. Blog reader Klaus Tappeiner from South Tyrol, Italy, could. His solution of the Tengri 137 cryptogram is absolutely ingenious.

Tengri 137 is the name of a mystery game, in the center of which is an encrypted book. The last seven pages of this book still wait to be deciphered.

Bei YouTube ist ein Video aufgetaucht, in dem mehrere Nachrichten versteckt sind. Die bisher entschlüsselten Teile kündigen ein Gewinnspiel an. Wer dahinter steckt, ist nicht bekannt.

2016 wird es einige hochinteressante Geschichten auf Klausis Krypto Kolumne geben. Unter anderem werde ich ein ungelöstes verschlüsseltes Buch und die Lösung zweier Top-25-Krypto-Rätsel präsentieren.