Just like every end of year, I am awarding the Golden Alice for outstanding achievements in the field of crypto history.
The last crypto challenge I’m going present in 2016 was created by master-codebreaker Tony Gaffney. Can you solve his starlight steganogram?
Forget about all the Christmas carols! Here comes the Friedman’s musical cryptogram from 1933, as played by a scorewriter.
Klausis Krypto Kolumne wishes everybody a Merry Christmas! In case you find some spare time over the holidays, try to solve this encrypted Christmas card from the early 20th century.
William Friedman and his wife Elizebeth not only were great codebreakers, but they also were creative and had a sense of humour. This can be seen from the Christmas cards they devised in the 1920s and 1930s.
In 1905 a woman named Elena Moga received an encrypted postcard. Can a reader break this cryptogram?
Enigmas are getting more and more expensive. In New York, a four rotor naval Enigma has now sold for almost half a million dollars.
William Friedman, one of the most notable cryptologists in history, used a 16th century stegnography system to hide messages in pictures. Some of his codes are hard to decrypt. Maybe a reader can help.
After 20 years in the IT security business, I have now created a comic strip based on my experiences. I guarantee that all the stories told in it are true.
Frank Foley, a British secret agent operating in Nazi Germany, saved many Jewish people from the holocaust. In the British National Archives, I found an unusual encryption method that was (probably) used by one of his men.
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