Suchergebnisse für „25“

For the first time in over ten years, the FBI has published a challenge cipher. Can you solve it?

Today I’m presenting a 24 letter message that has been encrypted with a Playfair cipher. Such a short Playfair cryptogram has never been solved before.

An engineer who deceased a few years ago has left behind an unusual painting. Does it contain a message encoded in a binary code?

Gerry Haynaly has deciphered the encrypted diary I recently introduced. Here’s how he did it.

Henry Debosnys (1836-1883), a convicted murderer, left behind four cryptograms, which  are unsolved to date. Breaking them could shed light on the many mysteries that surround this case.

Erich Pieper from Hamburg, Germany wrote an encrypted diary from 1928-1931. Can a reader decipher this cryptogram?

Just like every end of year, I am awarding the Golden Alice for outstanding achievements in the field of crypto history and codebreaking. Here are the winners of 2019.

Blog readers Richard Bean, Frode Weierud and George Lasry have broken most of the ciphertexts from the Biafran War I recently introduced.

Konstantin Hamidullin from Latvia has solved my Playfair challenge from November 2019. With only 26 letters, this is the shortest Playfair cryptogram ever broken.

Last week, I introduced a 750-letter ciphertext created with a bigram substitution. Jarl Van Eycke and Louie Helm have now solved this challenge. As far as I know, this is the shortest bigram cipher challenge ever broken.