Suchergebnisse für „25“

The crypto number table is a simple, yet far from trivial cipher. Can you break a cryptogram I have created with this method?

  1) The Standard, 27 March 1875 (Sa), p. 1, col. 2, block 2: W. TITOLLUM Endive Ooman. Soomoom Biffot. Coxel. Dritterfo. Cardebog. Wapalinok. Sikrinad. Sepp ?   2) The Standard, 8 May 1875 (Sa), p. 1, col. 2, block 4: Str 53. Catokwacopa. Olcabrokorlested. Coomemega. Sesipyyocashostikr. Rep.– Itedconlec mistrl. Hrsclam 54. 3 caselcluchozamot. 1.…

In 1931 US shoe manufacturer Hood published a series of advertisements containing encrypted messages in a boy scout magazine. Can you solve them?

In the 1920s, a textiles expert developed a code for transmitting information about clothing by telegram. He even received a patent for this invention.

“Chief Security Officer”, my 24th book, has just been published. Contrary to my other publications, this one is a cartoon book. It tells funny, yet true stories about IT security.

On Wikimedia, photographs of a number of lesser-known encryption devices from Switzerland are available. Can a reader tell me more about them?

Three encrypted newspaper advertisements from 1879 are still unsolved. Can you decipher them?

The Rohonc Codex is one of the most famous cryptograms in the world. But is it still an unsolved one? That’s difficult to say.

A sixth encrypted bottle post has been found in the river Alster in Hamburg. Still, nobody seems to have a clue what these strange messages mean.

The Dorabella cryptogram, an encrypted message left behind by British composer Edward Elgar, is one of the most famous crypto mysteries in the world. Here are two more crypto mysteries Elgar created. They have not received much attention so far.