Klaus Schmeh

Klaus Schmeh ist Experte für historische Verschlüsselungstechnik. Seine Bücher "Nicht zu knacken" (über die zehn größten ungelösten Verschlüsselungsrätsel) und "Codeknacker gegen Codemacher" (über die Geschichte der Verschlüsselungstechnik) sind Standardwerke. In "Klausis Krypto Kolumne" schreibt er über sein Lieblingsthema.

In March, I blogged about a TV documentary about the Kryptos sculture produced by CNN. It has now aired and is available on Youtube.

Blog reader Eugen Antal has found a beautiful chronogram in a Slovak archive. Can a reader decode it?

In the 19th century, a series of over 40 encrypted ads was published in a British newspaper. Can a reader decipher them?

Fort Meade, a United States Army installation known as the home of the NSA, has launched a new logo, which bears an encrypted message. Can a reader decipher it?

At the HistoCrypt in Mons I took a ten minutes video. Here it is.

An encrypted message from the Secret Archives of the Vatican has now been published on MysteryTwister C3. Can a reader solve it?

The latest issue of the ACA newsletter “The Cryptogram” introduces an encrypted postcard. The cipher used is unusual. Can you solve it anyway?

Here’s my report from HistoCrypt 2019, which took place from June 23-26 in Mons, Belgium. It was an outstanding event.

Some song lyrics provided by Google’s lyrics platform contain the hidden message RED HANDED. It was encoded by competitor Genius in order to prove that Google is copying from them.

Camino de Santiago hiker Jens Grabarske has made me aware of an encrypted inscription in northern Spain. Can reader decipher it?