
Ich habe ein siebenminütiges Video erstellt, das einige Impressionen von der HistoCrypt 2022 in Amsterdam vermittelt.

Für 2022 sind mehr Veranstaltungen zum Thema Krypto-Geschichte geplant, als es sie jemals innerhalb eines Jahres gegeben hat. Zum ersten Mal seit zehn Jahren soll auch wieder eine Voynich-Manuskript-Konferenz stattfinden. 

In 11 Tagen findet die HistoCrypt 2021 statt. Corona-bedingt werden die Vorträge dieses Mal online gehalten. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

HistoCrypt 2020 will take place from June 15-17, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary. The Call for Papers is running until February 2.

At the “Secret Communications 3” exhibition in Duivendrecht, NL, blog reader Karsten Hansky showed me a wired rotor similar to the ones used by the Enigma. It is probably of Russian origin. Does a reader know more about it?

At the HistoCrypt in Mons I took a ten minutes video. Here it is.

HistoCrypt 2018 in Sweden was a great event. Here are a video made by me and a number of photos provided by Paolo Bonavoglia.

Two important events took place in the London area yesterday: the royal wedding and the “History of Cryptography and Codes” conference (including a presentation given by me). Hundreds of thousands of people came to see these two spectacles.

Yesterday I visited the exhibition “Top Secret!” in Mons, Belgium, together with a few friends and blog readers. Apart from many fascinating exhibits, three interesting photographs of rare cipher machines caught my attention. Can my readers say something about the background of these devices?

The NSA Symposium on Cryptologic History 2017 featured a number of very interesting presentations. Here are videos of a few of them. In addition, I will introduce three crypto puzzles I encountered at the symposium.