An anonymous note published on Reddit contains a number of digits and a reference to a Beatles album. Is there a message hidden in this text?

In a 1984 video clip by British Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden, several messages consisting of strange symbols can be seen. Can they be decrypted?

A museum in Polotsk, Belarus, is struggling with an encrypted postcard. Can a reader help?

Here’s an English postcard from the early 20th century. Can a reader deipher it?, one of the most popular news portals in the world, has published an article about the Kryptos sculpture. And then, there’s a question about Kryptos I would like to ask my readers.

After WW2, German author Arno Schmidt created an encrypted letter addressed to Truman, Stalin, and Churchill. To my knowledge, is has never been deciphered.

Richard Bean has made me aware of an in-depth interview US an art historian did with Jim Sanborn. A transcript of this talk has now been made available online.

In 1643, German aristocrat Carl von Rabenhaupt sent an encrypted letter to Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel. Can a reader break this cryptogram?

NKRYPT, located in Canberra Australia, is a set of eight steel pillars that bear encrypted inscriptions. Today, I’m going to introduce one of these: the squircle cryptogram.

A challenge cryptogram from a 2012 puzzle book is still unsolved. The author will award a book copy to the first one who breaks it.