In 1944 a member of Hitler’s paramilitary organization SS sent an encrypted radio message to a recipient named Lippert. The cleartext is unknown.

Bruno Borges, a Brazilian student who has mysteriously vanished from his home, left behind several encrypted books. A publishing company has now published one of them. It has entered the Brazilian bestseller list.

The Dorabella Cipher is one of the most popular crypto mysteries in the world. 120 years after its creation still nobody has found the solution.

A video clip of US rock band Linkin Park shows a wall with an encrypted inscription. Can a reader decipher it?

A member of a genealogy forum has posted an encrypted text that was left behind by an ancestor of his. Can a reader solve this mystery?

During the Thirty Years’ War emperor Ferdinand III (1608 -1657) used a secret writing system. It has never been solved.

Scotish poet Thomas Urquhart (1611-1660) left behind two encrypted poems. They have never been deciphered.

On Reddit an encrypted postcard from 1909 was published. Can you decipher it?

Kate Ebutt from England has found an encrypted bottle post in the river Don in Sheffield. Can a reader solve it?

In a scene of the TV series Twin Peaks a flickering air plane window seems to hide some code. Can a reader solve it?