Suchergebnisse für „25“

I’m looking forward to HistoCrypt 2019 (June 23-26 in Mons, Belgium). Among the speakers are many readers of this blog.

German comedian Jan Böhmermann announced that he would present something “special” in his TV show. A steganographic message indicated that there was a relationship to the Ibiza affair. The truth proved much less spectacular.

A Munich auction house is going to sell an SG-41 (Hitler mill) at auction. Blog reader Markus Sperl has been on site and has provided me a few pictures of the machine.

Singer and rapper Ghostemane has published a crypto challenge in a US music magazine. Can a reader solve it?

In a well-known codebreaking book from the 1930s, a Playfair-encrypted message with a (probably fictive) background story is provided. Can a reader break this cipher?

A Reddit user has found two encrypted notes and a few geographic coordinates in an old travel book. Can a reader find out what these messages mean?

Blog reader Magnus Ekhall has taken a trip to the Rök runestone, a famous cryptologic sight in Sweden. Here are his report and a few photographs he took.

In 1999 cryptographer Ron Rivest published an encrypted text that was designed to take 35 years to break. Apparently, it has now been solved.

In WW2, Berlin-based company Heimsoeth & Rinke not only produced the Enigma, but also a cipher cylinder, about which as good as nothing is known. Can my readers help to research the history of this device?

In the 19th century, a sailor working on the Great Lakes kept an encrypted diary. Can a reader decipher it?